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How to make cockerels

How to make cockerels
How to make cockerels

Video: How To Gut, Process And Dress A Cockerel. #SRP 2024, June

Video: How To Gut, Process And Dress A Cockerel. #SRP 2024, June

Cockerel lollipops are a favorite treat of childhood. On the streets, sometimes you can buy cockerels with your hands, they can be very easily cooked cockerels at home. The main thing is to find in the store or ask friends for special tins. Or use metal cookie cutters.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • sugar
    • water
    • food colorings
    • pan
    • molds

Instruction manual


Pour white sugar into a small saucepan and pour water. The proportion should be three to one, that is, three tablespoons of sugar - one tablespoon of water.


Heat water with sugar over low heat, gently stirring with a wooden spatula so that the sugar dissolves faster. When the mass begins to turn from white to brown and goes in bubbles, stop stirring. Once the bubbles become large, turn off the heat.


Very quickly, not allowing the mass to cool, pour it into molds greased with vegetable oil and leave until completely solidified. If your molds are without a bottom, lay them on a pastry sheet. After the figures have hardened, remove them from the molds. The cockerels are ready.


If you hesitate and the mixture starts to cool before it is poured into molds, you can heat it a little in the microwave

Useful advice

If you want to make multi-colored cockerels, while boiling the sugar mass, add food coloring to it at the tip of the knife.

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