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How to make cones for making puff tubes

How to make cones for making puff tubes
How to make cones for making puff tubes



Puff tubes with a filler can be prepared at home. This is not at all difficult - you will need to stock up on products and some equipment.


Pick your recipe

For the preparation of puff tubes in production conditions, metal or tin cones are used. Going to make home a cake-straw, housewives first of all are faced with the need to purchase such products. Not so long ago, finding them was quite simple - the cones were sold in all hardware stores. If desired, you can make homemade cones from available materials.

How to make cones for cooking tubes yourself

Using ordinary tools like a hammer and pliers, you can make good cones. As a material for them, well-washed tin cans from under the stew or condensed milk are suitable. Such cones will last for more than a dozen years. They do not even have to be well fixed - just collapse to the desired shape. Deformation in those conditions where the products will be used, they are not threatened.

If this option is not available, you can make cones from cardboard or office paper and ordinary food foil. Roll a piece of cardboard or paper with a bag, cut off the sharp part of it and fix it with a stapler so that it does not turn around. You can flash this place with threads, but not through, but only from the side where the paper ends. Wrap the resulting cone with aluminum foil.

How to make tubes on homemade cones

When the work on the workpieces-cones is finally over, you can proceed to the manufacture of tubes. Buy or cook puff pastry at home. Gently roll it to a thickness of 5 mm. Cut into strips - they should have a thickness of about 3 cm, length - 30-40 cm. Screw the strips of dough onto the lap cones. Prepare a baking sheet - cover it with parchment or wet it with water, depending on what its material is.

Lay the future tubes on a baking sheet, the dough seam should be at the bottom. It is better to bake the tubes according to the following scheme. Place the pan in the oven preheated to 240 degrees Celsius, hold for 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature - it should be 160 degrees. Bake the rolls for another 20 minutes. They must be removed from the cones hot - use tacks. Sometimes the tubes get damp inside. If necessary, you can dry them in the oven and without cones - put for another 10 minutes in the oven and hold at a temperature of 60 degrees.

Do not disassemble or discard cones made before cooking. If you are fond of cooking homemade cakes, they will come in handy again and again.

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