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How to Test Cane Sugar

How to Test Cane Sugar
How to Test Cane Sugar

Video: What you need to know about the different types of sugar | Your Morning 2024, July

Video: What you need to know about the different types of sugar | Your Morning 2024, July

Food lovers value cane sugar for its distinctive aroma and taste that blends perfectly with tea or coffee. However, this product is often faked, so you need to be able to distinguish natural cane sugar from fake.


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Cane sugar can be either white or brown. Brown sugar contains molasses - molasses in black, which gives the sugar a kind of caramel color, taste and aroma. The composition of molasses includes elements useful for the human body: B vitamins, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, and fiber. The darker the sugar, the higher the concentration of molasses in it. However, one should know that brown color is far from always an indicator of the naturalness and unrefinedness of this product. Often, not very honest producers give ordinary sugar for more expensive cane sugar, changing its color with dyes.


To recognize the counterfeit, pour warm water into a glass, add a few teaspoons or pieces of sugar, and mix well. If the water turns brown, it means you have a fake product - caramel-colored white sugar.


There is another way to determine the naturalness of cane sugar. In a glass of warm water, dissolve a few teaspoons or sugar cubes and drip a little iodine. If iodine turns blue, this is real cane sugar.


In addition, a genuine product can be distinguished by its characteristic taste and smell. After adding a few pieces of sugar in a cup of tea, stir it and taste the drink (instead of tea, you can dissolve sugar in ordinary warm water). Real cane sugar can be identified by caramel flavor and taste.


Be sure to pay attention to the packaging, which should be labeled "unrefined cane sugar" and the country of supply is indicated. Real cane sugar is produced in Guatemala, Brazil, Costa Rica, the USA, Cuba, and the island of Mauritius. The price of this product is usually higher than regular refined products.

About cane sugar

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