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How to rinse red caviar

How to rinse red caviar
How to rinse red caviar

Video: How To clean Red Caviar ★ Salmon Caviar ★ Easy way to Clean Caviar 2024, July

Video: How To clean Red Caviar ★ Salmon Caviar ★ Easy way to Clean Caviar 2024, July

Red caviar is a favorite delicacy on holiday tables. It is not only very tasty, but also healthy. A good, high-quality caviar should consist of large eggs of the same size and color, which do not stick together, easily crumble and easily burst on the teeth. It should be thick and smell good. But what if the caviar is a bit stale, with a foreign smell or simply salted? Since the product is quite expensive, it is a pity to throw it out. You can try to revive the caviar.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - water

  • - welding

  • - milk

  • - gauze,

  • - a sieve and two deep containers.

Instruction manual


If the caviar is too salted, then this is easily remedied! To make it tasty with the help of washing, proceed as follows. Place the caviar in a deep bowl. Pour it with warm boiled water (not hotter than 35 degrees) at the rate of 2 parts of water to one part of caviar. Mix gently in water for 3-4 minutes so that unnecessary salt goes into the water. Pour the caviar with water to strain, through cheesecloth or a fine sieve over a sink or pan. Leave on for 10 minutes on a sieve or gauze so that the glass is unnecessary liquid. Put caviar in a vase or saucer. She is ready to eat.


Caviar with a foreign smell can be removed from it. Brew a strong tea leaves in any container. Strain the brewed liquid, separating it from the tea leaves. No tea needles, throw them away. The heat of welding should be no more than 30-35 degrees, so that the caviar simply does not cook in it. Pour caviar with expressed tea at the rate of one part of caviar to one part of brewed tea, or one part of caviar to two parts of tea, depending on how strong the smell is. Rinse in tea leaves for 5-7 minutes, gently stirring so that the eggs do not burst. Spawn through cheesecloth or sieve, let drain. Taste it. If you washed it enough, then you can serve it on the table. If the caviar is still salty, repeat the washing procedure.


It also happens that you bought stale and rather stale caviar. You can try to make it fresh boiled or pasteurized milk. Boil plain or heat pasteurized milk. Its temperature should be no more than 40 degrees. Rinse caviar in this milk for 10-12 minutes. Drain the milk through a cloth or a fine strainer, leave the eggs sprinkled on a strainer or cloth for 10-15 minutes to allow the remaining milk to glass. After all the milk has drained, caviar can be put on a platter and serve.


Do not flush caviar with fresh cold water! She will become tough and tasteless. Also, do not wash it in very hot water, the caviar will turn whitish, as the protein in the eggs will curl.


Caviar is a perishable product. You can not store caviar that has already been opened for a long time.

Useful advice

Close the jar of caviar tightly and store it in the refrigerator. If you buy ready-made caviar, be sure to see the terms of its storage and manufacture.

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