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How to make marshmallows and other original desserts

How to make marshmallows and other original desserts
How to make marshmallows and other original desserts

Video: DIY: How to Make Marshmallows Like a Pro with the Best Homemade Marshmallow Recipe 2024, July

Video: DIY: How to Make Marshmallows Like a Pro with the Best Homemade Marshmallow Recipe 2024, July

From fruits and nuts you can cook a wide variety of dishes - from desserts to omelets. Here are some recipes that are easy to make, original and tasty.


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Walnut milk

Dried nuts are crushed together with sugar in a blender to a pasty state, and the prepared mass is added to boiling milk, mixed and insisted for two hours.

For 100 g of nuts (core) - 2 cups of milk, 1 tablespoon of sugar.

Walnut milk is consumed with cookies. You can also make jelly and jelly from it.


Bake 5-6 Antonov apples. Peel and grains, wipe through a sieve. Add to the mass of 1-2 cold egg white and half a glass of sugar. Beat until the mass thickens, gradually adding sugar and juice of half a lemon, so that in the end the spoon stands in the mass. Soaked in cold water with a spoon, carefully lay on a plate and serve.

Walnut cakes

Grate five eggs with a glass of sugar, add a glass of toasted chopped nuts, 3-4 tablespoons of grated white crackers. Mix all this well, put in tins, bake in the oven.

Walnut omelet

Mix white crackers with syrup (half a glass of sugar in half a glass of water), four yolks and four proteins. Pour this mixture into a deep skillet with boiling fat (50 grams of refined sunflower oil). When the mass is thickened, add 200 grams of peeled and chopped nuts to it. Roll the omelette into a tube, sprinkle with vanilla sugar and serve warm.

Cream apples

For one average-sized apple (80-90 grams), take three tablespoons of cream and one teaspoon of grated chocolate. To prepare 300 grams of cream (12 tablespoons) you need to take half a glass of milk, a tablespoon of flour, six tablespoons of sugar, one and a half eggs and a little vanilla.

The apples are peeled, the core is taken out, cooked until cooked, cooled, laid out in a bowl, poured with cream and sprinkled with grated chocolate.

The cream is prepared as follows. Sugar is added to milk and brought to a boil. In another bowl, grind the flour with the egg, then, stirring, add the prepared boiled milk with sugar and vanilla. Cook at a temperature of 80-90 °, not bringing to a boil. Cooked cream is cooled.

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