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How to cook thin pancakes

How to cook thin pancakes
How to cook thin pancakes



The most famous thin pancakes in the world are the French Crepe Suzette. The secret of their success is caramel sauce based on sugar, zest, orange juice and liquor. But if the matter was limited only to a set of ingredients! Flambe or flambing - this is the "golden key", unlocking the door on the way to perfect taste. This culinary technique, in which an already prepared dish is poured with high-degree alcoholic drinks (cognac, vodka, rum) and set on fire. If you have not come across this process before, it may not be worth the risk. In the end, even the “great and terrible” Gordon Ramsay calls ordinary thin pancakes in orange-caramel sauce - “Crepe Suzette”. If you can him, then we are not forbidden.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • For pancakes
    • 125 grams of wheat flour
    • ¼ teaspoon of salt
    • 2 medium chicken eggs
    • 1 tablespoon melted unsalted butter
    • 300 milliliters of warm milk
    • Zest from two oranges
    • For the sauce
    • 3 large oranges (zest with two of them will go for pancakes)
    • 50 grams of vanilla sugar
    • 100 milliliters of Grand Marnier or Cointreau liquor
    • Roquefort cheese and apple filling
    • 500 grams of apples
    • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
    • 1 tablespoon sugar
    • 250 grams of Roquefort cheese
    • 2 tablespoons full cream

Instruction manual


Sift flour and salt into a large bowl. Make a small indentation in the center. Mix eggs with sugar, melted butter, milk and orange zest. It is very important that all products are more or less the same temperature. Therefore, milk and butter should in no case be hot, and the eggs have just come from the refrigerator. Pour the butter and egg mixture into the flour and mix gently. The dough should be smooth, uniform, but not "overloaded". Leave the dough for an hour to make it distance.


With a sharp fruit knife, in a spiral, remove the zest from the remaining orange. Cut off the top and bottom from all fruits. Place a sieve over the bowl and begin to carefully cut the slices from the oranges, freeing them from the seeds, membranes and peel residues, allowing the juice to drain and accumulate in the bowl.

Put the slices in a separate container.


On a slow fire, in a saucepan, melt the sugar and, stirring continuously, wait for the moment when it turns into a light caramel.

Pour in the alcohol and be ready to immediately bounce to the side, as the mixture will “spit” for several seconds. Add the orange juice and cook until the syrup is half evaporated.

Turn off the heat, add the orange slices and cover.


Heat a heavy, best cast-iron frying pan over medium heat. Melt some butter in it. Pour a little pancake dough into the pan, turning it so that the dough with a thin layer fills its entire surface. Bake one and a half to two minutes on one side, until light golden brown, turn over and fry the other side for a little more than a minute. Fold each pancake twice and put on a dish. Cover with a clean linen cloth and keep warm until the entire batch is ready.


Serve the pancakes in portions, pour the sauce and garnish with thin spiral strips of orange zest.


If you don’t really like sweets, but prefer more savory tastes, you can bake the same pancakes, crepes, but not pour them with syrup, but fill them with apples and cheese. The apples will need to be peeled and cut into thin slices. Melt butter in a pan, put apple slices, sprinkle them with sugar and fry until golden brown and a light caramel smell, in no way allowing them to become soft.


In a large bowl, whip the cream with cheese and spread each pancake with the resulting cream. Put a couple of tablespoons of apples in the middle and wrap the pancakes with an "envelope". Put the spring rolls in a heat-resistant form and bake at 175 degrees Celsius for 10 - 15 minutes. Serve with whipped cream.

Useful advice

If there are too many bubbles in the test, then you “overworked” it, beat it up too intensely. Leave it to "rest" for a longer time and the bubbles will gradually disappear.

Pancakes turn out to be excessively "lace", and simply put, full of holes. Add one or two tablespoons of flour to the dough.

Does the dough not spread over the bottom of the pan? So it contains too much flour, add a few tablespoons of warm milk.

Pancakes crumble around the edges? Too high temperature, reduce pan heating.

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