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How to make sweet melon soup

How to make sweet melon soup
How to make sweet melon soup

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Video: How to make Nigerian Egusi soup | Party Style Egusi Soup from start to finish. 2024, July

Sweet soup can serve as the first hot dish, and cold appetizer, and even dessert. The taste of the dish depends on a combination of basic ingredients and a variety of seasonings. For many adults, such food is unusual, but it can be a real find for children and diet. For example, melon soup is both a treat and a wonderful tool for effective fasting days.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 1 round melon (200 g of pulp);
    • fresh berries for decoration;
    • 2 tbsp sour cream;
    • a few sheets of fresh mint;
    • 3 tbsp Sahara;
    • powdered sugar for dusting;
    • 0.5 cups cream;
    • 500 g sweet potato;
    • salt and Tabasco sauce to taste.

Instruction manual


Cut a small melon into 2 parts and free it from the core (seeds) with a tablespoon. Remove the peel and chop the flesh into small slices. Grind it in a blender to a puree state together with several petals of fresh mint. Garnish the finished cold soup puree with fresh berries (raspberries, strawberries).


Melon contains a large amount of water and sugar, so it does not need additional additives. However, if desired, sweet tooth can sweeten the dish with syrup. For its preparation, 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar and the same amount of water are simmered over low heat, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes. Additionally, melon soup can be garnished with powdered sugar.


Try to cook an exotic dish from your favorite gourd. Light refreshing soup can be originally decorated in half a round melon instead of a plate and served to guests on a hot summer day. To make the food more nutritious, it is recommended to include sweet potato - sweet potato as one of the ingredients.


Wash and peel a pound of sweet potato, cut tubers and dip them in boiling water. Salt to taste and cook until the potatoes are soft (about 20-25 minutes). After this, pour part of the broth through a colander into a clean bowl, make mashed potatoes and season it with a small amount of deposited liquid.


Wash and dry the melon, cut it in half along the transverse line and remove the core. Take out the pulp, chop into pieces and scroll in a blender. Hollow parts of the fruit - "plates" for soup - wrap in cling film and store in the refrigerator.


Mix potato and melon puree, season the resulting mass with one teaspoon of granulated sugar and 0.5 cups of 20% cream. Cool the melon and sweet potato soup and serve, garnish with a spoon of sour cream and fresh mint leaves.

Useful advice

The spicy taste of potato-melon soup will give an original combination of sugar, salt and spicy seasonings. Try to cook the soup as described in steps Nos. 3-6 and add a pinch of table salt and 2-3 drops of Tabasco sauce from the pulp of pepper Capsicum frutescens. This seasoning is extremely burning, so do not overdo it!

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