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How to Make Chicken Nicoise Salad

How to Make Chicken Nicoise Salad
How to Make Chicken Nicoise Salad

Video: How To Make Grilled Chicken Nicoise Salad - Recipe 2024, July

Video: How To Make Grilled Chicken Nicoise Salad - Recipe 2024, July

This salad is on the menu of almost all French restaurants, which indicates its relevance. It was invented in Nice and is a light and nutritious dish for locals. All the ingredients of Nicoise salad are inexpensive, and they can also be purchased at the nearest supermarket.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - arugula - 75 g

  • - chicken fillet - 260-350 g

  • - pitted olives - 130-150 g

  • - green beans - 150-200 g

  • - eggs - 3-5 pcs.

  • - tomatoes - 250-340 g

  • - garlic - 3 cloves

  • - mustard - 3-5 tsp.

  • - lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l

  • - olive oil - 350 g

Instruction manual


Wash the chicken fillet, put in a deep saucepan with water and cook over medium heat for 6-9 minutes. Remove foam, reduce heat, add salt and cook for another 17-19 minutes. Remove the fillet from the broth, cool, then cut into small pieces.


While the chicken is preparing, make a dressing. Peel and finely chop the garlic. Combine oil, mustard, garlic and lemon juice, beat with a blender.


Boil the broth again, add the beans and cook for 7-8 minutes. Discard in a colander. Cook eggs for 7-8 minutes. Cool with cold water, then peel and cut into two halves.


Cut olives in circles. Wash and dry tomatoes and arugula. Tomatoes cut in half. Put the arugula, beans and tomatoes in a cup, add half the dressing, olives and stir.


Put the salad on the dish, add slices of chicken and eggs on top. Fill with the remaining dressing.

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