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How to Make Calla Cookies

How to Make Calla Cookies
How to Make Calla Cookies

Video: Простой рецепт, вкусно и быстро: печенье Каллы за 3 минуты / Calla Lily cookies recipe 2024, July

Video: Простой рецепт, вкусно и быстро: печенье Каллы за 3 минуты / Calla Lily cookies recipe 2024, July

Have you decided to bake a tasty but light treat? Then make a very tender cookie called Callas. It cooks quickly, and also has an excellent taste.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - sugar - 1 cup;

  • - wheat flour - 1 cup;

  • - eggs - 4 pcs;

  • - vanillin - 1 sachet;

  • - margarine - 20 g.

  • Custard:

  • - milk - 1 glass;

  • - sugar - 0.5 cups;

  • - yolks - 2 pcs;

  • - flour - 1 tablespoon;

  • - vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;

  • - butter - 200 g.

Instruction manual


After breaking the eggs into a deep cup, add granulated sugar and vanilla to them. Mix well, but do not whisk. Pour the flour there. Stir the mass to a uniform consistency - there should not be a single lump in the dough.


Having placed the baking sheet in the included oven, heat until hot, then coat with margarine. Then, using a teaspoon, lay out 5 circles, so that there is a sufficiently large distance between them. In this form, bake this mass at a temperature of 200 degrees for 5 minutes - the edges of the future cookies should become rosy.


After the time has passed, baked circles alternately gently lift with a spatula and quickly form a flower from each. Do this procedure very quickly, otherwise the cookies will not curl, but only turn into crumbs. So do with the rest of the dough.


Mix the egg yolks with granulated sugar, vanilla sugar and flour. After pouring milk into a saucepan, bring to a boil, then let cool. Add the yolk mixture to it while stirring continuously. Put the resulting mass to boil for 5-6 minutes, that is, until thickened. Add the melted butter to the resulting cream. Beat until fluffy.


Ready custard fill the rolled up baked circles. The Calla cookies are done!

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