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How to Make Mussels with White Wine

How to Make Mussels with White Wine
How to Make Mussels with White Wine

Video: Classic French Mussels Recipe - Moules Marinière with White Wine & Garlic Butter Sauce 2024, July

Video: Classic French Mussels Recipe - Moules Marinière with White Wine & Garlic Butter Sauce 2024, July

Mussels are a variety of mollusks that live in the seas, and you can find them along the coastline in the wild. However, those mussels that are currently sold in stores are brought from special farms that breed them.


Pick your recipe

Mussels of any kind in a boiled state have an almost rubbery, dense structure and a marine, very strong aroma. Freshwater mussels are not used in culinary cuisine, but they prepare various dishes from sea mollusks with green and blue lips.

To prepare mussels with white wine and fresh vegetables, you will need the following set of components:

  • bay leaf (2 pieces);

  • sea ​​mussels (1.5 kg);

  • fresh greens in assortment;

  • medium-sized carrot (4 pieces);

  • dry white wine (127 ml);

  • onions (2 pieces);

  • vegetable broth (220 ml);

  • peeled garlic cloves (2 pieces);

  • freshly ground black pepper and fine salt;

  • leek (1 piece);

  • olive oil (1 tbsp.spoon).

Under a stream of cool water, rinse the sea mussels very thoroughly, at the same time, remove growths from the shells. All mussels should also be reviewed, and if there are those that previously had shells open, they should be thrown away immediately, as they are completely unsuitable for human consumption.

In the required quantity of garlic cloves, onions and carrots, first peel, then chop into small cubes. Chop the peeled leek leg with not very wide rings. Heat the olive oil in the required amount in a skillet with a thick bottom, put the prepared root vegetables and garlic in it, add ground pepper and salt.

Add treated mussels to these components, pour wine and vegetable broth, season the contents of the pan with bay leaves, allspice and fresh thyme. Put the pan with mussels and vegetables on medium heat and wait until the contents begin to boil, then cover the dishes with a lid, continue cooking for another ten minutes.

Remove from the pan those mussels that were left with closed sinks, discard them, lay out all other components with the broth in equal portions on plates.

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