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How to cook lazy dumplings in a pan

How to cook lazy dumplings in a pan
How to cook lazy dumplings in a pan

Video: How to Cook Perfect Frozen Dumplings 2024, July

Video: How to Cook Perfect Frozen Dumplings 2024, July

Mistresses know what to sculpt dumplings. This is a painstaking work that takes a lot of time. If you want to pamper your family with delicious dumplings, then pay attention to this recipe. Very simple and fast.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • Dough:

  • - 600 grams of wheat flour,

  • - 300 ml of water,

  • - 3 grams of salt,

  • - 1 egg

  • - 40 ml of vegetable oil.

  • For minced meat:

  • - 400 grams of minced meat,

  • - 120 grams of onions,

  • - 100 ml of meat broth,

  • - salt to taste,

  • - ground black pepper to taste.

  • For the sauce:

  • - 350 ml of water,

  • - salt to taste,

  • - 80 ml of vegetable oil,

  • - 40 grams of onions,

  • - dry spices to taste,

  • - 80 grams of carrots.

Instruction manual


Sift the flour into a volumetric cup with a slide, in which make a deepening and break one egg into it, salt, pour 300 ml of cold water, add vegetable oil. Knead the dough. Leave for half an hour.


Grind the onions in a blender. Mix onion with minced meat, salt, pepper, pour the broth and mix.


Divide the dough into two equal parts. Roll the dough into a thin rectangular layer (you get two layers). Lubricate the dough with prepared minced meat and roll it into a roll. Cut the minced meat roll into pieces. If desired, you can remove the workpiece in the freezer.


Dice the onion into cubes or half rings (to taste). Cut the carrots into strips. Fry onions and carrots in a saucepan in vegetable oil. Season with spices. Put lazy dumplings on fried vegetables (preferably in one layer), fill with hot water (the water level should be flush with dumplings), slightly salt.


After boiling, cover the stewpan with a lid, reduce heat to low and simmer until tender. Serve dumplings ready portioned with sour cream.

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