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How to cook Korean cabbage (kimchi)

How to cook Korean cabbage (kimchi)
How to cook Korean cabbage (kimchi)

Video: How to make Easy Kimchi (막김치) 2024, July

Video: How to make Easy Kimchi (막김치) 2024, July

Korean spicy sauerkraut (or kimchi) is one of the main dishes of the Country of morning freshness. Without it, almost no feast is possible; it is added to almost any other dish. It is considered an incredibly healthy and nutritious snack. And even, according to some studies, protects against cancer. It is not very simple and rather long to prepare it, but the result is worth all the torment.


Pick your recipe


Peking cabbage - 5 heads

- onions - 7 pcs.

green pepper - 2 pcs.

red hot pepper - 2 pcs.

-fresh ginger - 1/3 of the root

- garlic - 4 heads

green onion - 5 stalks

ground red pepper

- salted fish (for example, sprats or anchovies) - 1/2 cup

flour - 1 tablespoon

salt - 5 glasses

-water - 1 glass

sugar - 5 tablespoons



-fine grater (better - a blender)


- big tight package

- deep big bowl


Cooking method:

1. Heads of Beijing cabbage cut lengthwise into 2 parts, cut the stump, trying to maintain the integrity of the sheets. Take away all the bad leaves.

2. Pour water into a bowl, pour 5 cups of salt, mix everything thoroughly. Put cabbage tightly in the resulting salt water.

3. Wash and chop green onions in small pieces, and onions - in half rings. Peel the garlic, chop the green and red peppers, peel the ginger root.

4. Then you need to mix the leaves of cabbage. Put the top down, and the bottom up. In general, soaking is several hours. Periodically, sheets need to be shifted.

5. In the meantime, you can continue cooking hot pasta to soak the leaves of cabbage. Garlic, chopped onions, ginger, a little water, red and green peppers should be placed in a blender. Beat the ingredients until smooth. Put in a deep pan.

6. Mix a tablespoon of flour with water until smooth (so that there are no lumps). Add this mass to the pan with the composition of onions, ginger, garlic and pepper. Add 5 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of salt, 5 cups of red pepper. To mix everything.

7. When the cabbage becomes moderately salty (that is, after a few hours), it must be washed in running water, gently squeeze. Then (always with gloves!) Carefully grease the leaves of cabbage with a sharp composition. Place it in a bucket, put salted fish between the leaves. Close the container tightly on top of the bag.

8. Cabbage should be left warm for one to two days. The smell will not be very pleasant, so relatives should be mentally prepared for the upcoming "test". Kimchi should be tried periodically so that it does not become too acidic. When the snack is ready, it can be laid out in bags and stored in a cool place.

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