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How to make yogurt

How to make yogurt
How to make yogurt

Video: How to Make Yogurt at Home | Homemade Yogurt Recipe 2024, July

Video: How to Make Yogurt at Home | Homemade Yogurt Recipe 2024, July

The question of how to cook homemade yogurt is asked by many adherents of a healthy lifestyle. And, of course, they are a thousandfold right. After all, almost everyone knows about the benefits of this product: and that it normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps to lose weight and prolongs not only youth, but even life. One snag - all of the above does not apply to store yogurts. Indeed, in addition to preservatives, which help to preserve the product right up to six months, taste enhancers and fragrances are added to it. So there is no need to talk about benefits in this case, rather, it is worth fearing harm.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - milk - 1 liter;

  • - dry sourdough - 2 capsules (or a glass of natural yogurt).

Instruction manual


So, having figured out the usefulness of homemade yogurt, it remains only to learn how to cook it yourself. To make yogurt at home, you will need only two products: milk and sourdough.


Yogurt sourdough can be bought at a pharmacy or specialty store for a healthy diet. The second option is to use natural store yogurt for starter culture. In both cases, there are pros and cons. Yogurt made from pharmacy sourdough may be unusually different in consistency and taste from the store. Moreover, if the cooking technology is violated, it can turn out to be slippery and malleable. A re-fermentation of industrial yogurt can lead to the multiplication of not only beneficial microorganisms, but also pathogens, which is fraught with poisoning.


The second component for making homemade yogurt is milk. Naturally, it is preferable to natural rustic, which should definitely be boiled. It is enough to heat pasteurized milk to 90 degrees, and ultra-pasteurized milk is heated only to the required temperature. Sterilized milk has no value, since many useful substances are destroyed under the influence of high temperatures, but they are replaced by stabilizers and salt.


So, boiled milk must be cooled to 40-42 degrees. If there is no thermometer, then you need to focus on the fact that it is better to be a little colder than hot, otherwise the bacteria will simply die. You can check the temperature by dropping milk on your wrist or putting dishes with it on your cheek - the milk should be hot, but not burn.


Next, in the cooled milk you need to introduce the ferment. You can prepare yogurt from dry sourdough by diluting it in a small amount of milk, and then mix thoroughly with the rest. Two capsules are needed per liter of milk. You can use the manufacturer's recommendations.


When using store yogurt or home-made yogurt as a starter from a previous preparation, a standard (125 g) cup of yogurt is taken per liter of milk. It must also be thoroughly mixed, without leaving lumps, first mixed with a small amount of warm milk, and then gradually add everything else.


Then it will be very simple to prepare yogurt in a yogurt maker: milk with sourdough is poured into cups and placed in the apparatus for 8 or 10 hours. The longer the yogurt will ferment, the more acidic it will taste.


If you do not have a yogurt maker, you can cook yogurt either in a thermos, or in a pan or jar, wrapping the dishes in a blanket and leaving for 8-12 hours for fermentation.


Ready yogurt must be kept in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. Such a competent approach to the completion of fermentation will allow to obtain a delicate and at the same time dense texture of the product, as well as to preserve its useful properties for a longer period. Cooked homemade yogurt will be perfectly stored in the refrigerator for a week.


The manufacturer of dry sourdough can give their recommendations on the preparation of yogurt, in which case it is best to use them.

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