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How to cook and save mashed strawberries with sugar without cooking

How to cook and save mashed strawberries with sugar without cooking
How to cook and save mashed strawberries with sugar without cooking

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Video: How to Cook Strawberries for a Baby : Meals for Baby & Family 2024, July

Video: How to Cook Strawberries for a Baby : Meals for Baby & Family 2024, July

I want to enjoy fragrant fresh strawberries not only in the summer, but also year-round. Berry harvesting without heat treatment helps with this.


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What do we know about strawberries?

Almost every gardener on his land necessarily allocates several beds for cultivating such a familiar and beloved berry as strawberries. In our country, it is very common and popular. However, most of the knowledge about strawberries is limited to a description of the gastronomic characteristics and methods of care for it. Meanwhile, the history of this culture is very entertaining. The homeland of strawberries is considered to be South America, from where it was later distributed around the world. Scientists say the presence of facts indicating that this berry grew more than 60 thousand years ago, and already in medieval Europe was widely consumed by people. Interestingly, from a scientific point of view, strawberries cannot be attributed to berries. The presence of a large number of small seeds on the pulp of strawberries defines the culture as a false berry and allows attributing it to multi-roots. Nevertheless, for most lovers of this culture, strawberries invariably remain a berry.

Despite the efforts of breeders to create frost-resistant and long-fruiting varieties of strawberries, it remains one of the whimsical, requiring care and due attention to themselves crops, the fruiting season of which is very fleeting. Perhaps this explains the high cost of this berry, even in the summer.

Useful and harmful properties of berries

Strawberries are very rich in various trace elements and vitamins, the consumption of which has a beneficial effect on human health. Vitamin A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, sulfur - this is not a complete list of valuable compounds that make up its composition. Daily consumption of a small number of berries helps normalize eye pressure, serves as a preventive measure for the development of cancer, slows down skin aging, lowers blood cholesterol and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin B9 in combination with iron, also part of the berry, is excellent for preventing the development of anemia and possible cardiovascular diseases. B vitamins have a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Vitamins K has a beneficial effect on the formation of red blood cells and blood coagulation. Vitamin E, also known as the "beauty vitamin", provides a good condition for nails, hair, skin, and promotes the renewal of body cells.

However, one should not forget that in everything a measure is needed. Strawberries are a strong allergen. Therefore, the berry should not be consumed in large quantities, and children and people prone to allergic reactions should completely abandon it. In addition, there are a number of diseases in which the use of this berry is also not recommended. These include diseases of the urinary tract and digestive system, hypertension and diseases associated with joints.

Obviously, serving this tasty and fragrant berry to the table, you need to remember that strawberries have a fairly rich composition of trace elements that can bring a person not only benefit, but sometimes even harm.

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