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How to cook haykin with potatoes and cheese?

How to cook haykin with potatoes and cheese?
How to cook haykin with potatoes and cheese?

Khichiny is a traditional dish of Karachay-Balkarian cuisine, which is included in the daily diet of mountain settlers. They are very thinly rolled cakes, for example, with meat or potato-cheese filling.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • For the test:

  • - 1.5 cups kefir or yogurt;

  • - 1.5 glasses of water;

  • - 2.5-3 cups of wheat flour;

  • - 1 teaspoon of salt;

  • - 1.5 teaspoons of soda.
  • For filling:

  • - 4 things. potatoes;

  • - 300 g of cheese (feta cheese, Adyghe or other type at its discretion);

  • - greens (optional);

  • - salt to taste.

Instruction manual


Knead the dough. Dilute kefir or yogurt with water, add salt and soda. Pour 2.5 tbsp. flour, adding as needed. The dough should turn out soft and not stick to your hands. Cover with a damp cloth and prepare the filling.


For the filling, boil the potatoes and mash. Finely grate the cheese and add to the hot puree. As an option: you can immediately boil potatoes with cheese through a meat grinder. Salt the filling and add finely chopped greens if desired. The volume of the filling should be equal to the volume of the test.


Divide the dough into 10-12 balls, 4-5 cm in diameter.


Make the same number of balls from the puree.


Roll each dough ball with a rolling pin and put in the middle of the filling ball. Gather and pinch the edges of the dough over the filling. First, shape the thick tortillas with your hands. Sprinkle the table with flour and a rolling pin, carefully roll each thick cake into a thinner one, 0.3-0.5 cm thick.


Preheat the pan (preferably with a thick bottom) and lay out a thin cake. Fry for one to two minutes without oil on both sides. During frying, the huts can inflate - this is normal, just pierce the ball with a knife.


Grease each ready-made hitch with a lot of butter so that they are not dry. Put all the huts in a plate and cut them crosswise into four parts (from here the word "hitch" means "cross"). Serve with sour cream or kefir.

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