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How to make sparkling water

How to make sparkling water
How to make sparkling water

Video: How to make sparkling water (aka. soda water or seltzer) in a soda siphon 2024, June

Video: How to make sparkling water (aka. soda water or seltzer) in a soda siphon 2024, June

Sparkling water can be bought at the store. But will you be sure of its quality? Not so long ago, the media published information that 90% of producers bottled and sold ordinary water from a water supply system.

Of course, this information causes concern for people who take care of their health and the health of their loved ones. The most sensible way to avoid trouble is to prepare soda water and drinks yourself.


Pick your recipe

To do this, water purified by a simple household filter or from a spring, well, of which you are sure of cleanliness, is suitable. The quality of such water will be much higher than that sold in the store.


There are several ways to make soda and drinks at home.

Classic Soda

In the 19th century, a chemical method was used to reduce the cost of preparing soda water. Baking soda diluted with acid was added to the water, sometimes salt was also added. Water was saturated with carbon dioxide as a result of the chemical reaction of soda and acid. This "soda" is easy to make at home. But such a soda will contain impurities - sodium bicarbonate and acid residues, which is not very useful. If you do not use the proportions of soda, acid and water verified to a milligram, then there will be even more impurities, and the taste of sparkling water will deteriorate. But in terms of economy, this method is very attractive.


Water siphon

This method is the easiest. Chilled drinking water is poured into the household siphon for aeration and a can of carbon dioxide is twisted. After a couple of seconds, the soda is ready. Pouring such a soda is very convenient, because it pours itself when the lever is pressed, and it will be stored for a long time without loss of gas. If you use a filter with mineralization or water from a spring, then carbonated water from a siphon will be very close in composition to natural carbonated mineral water. Such water will contain only refreshing “bubbles” of pure carbon dioxide and water with minerals useful for the body.

In terms of costs, this method is quite economical, because 1 liter of homemade soda will cost only 20-30 rubles. Water of similar quality is sold in stores at 50-70 rubles per 0.5 liter bottle, while in a cafe or restaurant a glass of "home" lemonade 0.3-0.5 liters will cost 150-300 rubles. The most inexpensive siphon for aerating water of the Russian manufacturer O! Range can now be bought in many online stores, large hypermarkets and home goods stores at a price of 1650-1750 rubles. Spray cans are sold there at 200-300 rubles per package.


Any of these methods will make it possible to prepare sparkling water and homemade soft drinks. You will not need to worry about the quality of water that you and your loved ones drink, and carbonated drinks of all kinds of tastes from natural jam or juice are much healthier and tastier than any Coca-Cola. In addition, you will not need to carry heavy bottles from the store and throw away plastic containers, polluting the environment.

Drink natural drinks, save and be healthy!

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