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How to cook homemade jelly

How to cook homemade jelly
How to cook homemade jelly

Video: Jelly in 2 Minutes, Homemade Jelly Recipe, How To Make Perfect Jelly At Home, Cook Jelly at home 2024, July

Video: Jelly in 2 Minutes, Homemade Jelly Recipe, How To Make Perfect Jelly At Home, Cook Jelly at home 2024, July

Kissel is known since ancient times. This is a very nutritious, high-calorie and healthy drink for the stomach. It has a lot of vitamins and minerals. You can cook it from different fruits and berries. Combined jelly are especially delicious. This recipe describes a method for preparing apple-cranberry homemade jelly.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 5 medium apples;
    • 150 g cranberries;
    • 150 g of sugar;
    • 50 g of starch;
    • 3.5 liters of water.

Instruction manual


Rinse the apples well. Cut them into small slices, remove the core with seeds, remove the peel. Pour in hot water (3 L) and cook for 15-20 minutes. Wipe boiled apples through a sieve in a small container. Strain the broth through a sieve with small mesh.


Sort cranberries and rinse well. Allow the water to drain completely or dry the berries with a towel. Squeeze the juice from the cranberries into a non-oxidizing container, close the lid and put in the refrigerator. Boil the berry pulp in a small amount of hot water (250 ml) for 5-10 minutes. Strain the broth through a frequent sieve. Berry spinners are no longer needed.


Combine apple and cranberry decoctions. Add sugar in them, stirring, heat to a boil. Remove the resulting foam from the surface of the decoction.


Pour potato starch into a container, dilute with cold drinking water, stirring the suspension until completely dissolved. Do not allow lumps to form. Pour the dissolved starch into the hot broth continuously, stirring evenly. After that, bring the jelly to a boil and add mashed apples. When the jelly boils again, pour the squeezed and chilled cranberry juice into it. Remove the jelly from the heat.


Kissel can be cooked from any berries and fruits, some vegetables or their combinations.

From the combination of multi-colored thick jelly, you can prepare puff desserts, cooling in turn, the layers of jelly in a transparent bowl. Especially delicious and beautiful dessert is obtained from milk and strawberry jelly.

To preserve the color of dark berries in jelly, add a little citric acid (on the tip of a knife) or squeeze a little lemon juice into the solution.

Useful advice

The density of jelly depends on the amount of starch. You can make the jelly thicker or thinner, respectively increasing or decreasing the amount of starch used.

So that the film does not form on the jelly, sprinkle a little sugar on its surface.

500 recipes for the Slavic meal. V.M. Kovalev, Moscow, "MIC" 1993

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