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How to make saury and egg sandwiches

How to make saury and egg sandwiches
How to make saury and egg sandwiches

Video: Braised Saury (Mackerel pike: 꽁치조림) 2024, July

Video: Braised Saury (Mackerel pike: 꽁치조림) 2024, July

Fans of fish will appreciate the sandwiches with saury and eggs. Even a child can cook such a snack. Try it, it is very tasty.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • loaf or loaf of white bread,

  • one jar of saury in oil,

  • two fresh cucumbers

  • two boiled eggs

  • 100 grams of hard cheese

  • two tablespoons of mayonnaise,

  • some lemon juice

  • some ground pepper

  • dill or parsley for decoration.

Instruction manual


Cut white bread into slices, the thickness of which we choose ourselves. White bread can be replaced with black, but this is to your liking, whoever loves.

We clean the boiled eggs and cut each egg into two parts. Separate the yolk from the protein. Grind the squirrels in any convenient way, you can finely chop it with a knife or crush it with an ordinary potato crush.


Drain the saury and grind the fish with a fork. Three cheese on a coarse grater. In a bowl, combine saury with chopped chicken proteins and grated cheese, season with two tablespoons of mayonnaise, add lemon juice (you can also taste it without it) and black ground pepper, mix.


Slices of white bread grease the resulting fish mixture. Cucumbers cut into rings. Grind the yolks with a fork. On a slice of bread greased with fish mass, put two rings of cucumber, a sprig of washed and dried dill on a cucumber, and sprinkle with yolk on top. We get very bright and at the same time delicious, tasty sandwiches. Serve sandwiches on the table and enjoy the taste.

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