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How to fry salted seeds

How to fry salted seeds
How to fry salted seeds

Video: How i make salted pumpkin seeds for snacks. 2024, July

Video: How i make salted pumpkin seeds for snacks. 2024, July

The choice of fried seeds in stores is huge now, but seeds fried at home are always tastier and more aromatic than bought ones, unless, of course, they were prepared according to all the rules.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • pan;
    • sunflower seeds;
    • salt to taste;
    • 100 ml of water.

Instruction manual


Before frying the seeds, rinse them well under a stream of cold water. This must be done in order to remove dust and coloring pigment from the surface.


Take a frying pan in which you will fry the seeds, and heat it. It is advisable to use a cast-iron frying pan for this, but if you do not have one, take the one that is available in your kitchen arsenal. Fry the seeds on a fire whose power can be controlled - in this process, to get a tasty product, the frying temperature will need to be changed.


Pour the seeds into a well-heated skillet, without reducing the fire. Remember that you will need to mix the seeds, so do not put all the seeds in the pan at once, do it gradually - this will facilitate this process. In the process of heating seeds, periodically stir your future treat and remove from it the found spoiled seeds, open kernels of seeds or the remains of sunflower flowers, which can sometimes be present in raw seeds. To mix the seeds, it is better to use a wooden spoon.


Salt water to taste and then carefully pour it into a pan with seeds, so that they are steamed, acquire a salty taste and slightly swollen - then such seeds will then be easier to nibble. As soon as the liquid evaporates and the seeds begin to click distinctively, it means that the process of frying them has begun - reduce the heat and begin to stir the seeds more often so that they do not burn.


To determine the readiness of the seeds, remove a few pieces from the pan, peel them and look at the color of their seeds - in well-roasted seeds, the shade of the seed is creamy. Of course, you must try them and taste. If the seeds crack well, have a pleasant salty taste and creamy grain color, then the process of frying is completed!


Do not leave the fried seeds in a hot pan, otherwise they may burn - pour them into another dish immediately after frying.

Useful advice

When choosing raw seeds, make sure that they are of good quality and medium in size. Only such seeds as a result of frying will be tasty and oily.

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