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How to fry mushrooms with potatoes

How to fry mushrooms with potatoes
How to fry mushrooms with potatoes

Video: Fried Mushrooms with Potato (Traditional Russian Recipe) 2024, July

Video: Fried Mushrooms with Potato (Traditional Russian Recipe) 2024, July

One of the most favorite mushroom dishes is fried potatoes with mushrooms. Not everyone knows how to cook it, but there is nothing special about this. Delicious potatoes, fragrant mushrooms and a good frying pan - that’s the whole secret of combining.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 3-5 medium sized potatoes
    • 100 g boiled mushrooms
    • 50 g of vegetable oil
    • 1 small onion
    • salt
    • pepper to taste

Instruction manual


Raw industrial mushrooms such as champignons can be planted in raw potatoes, while forest mushrooms need preliminary preparation. Honey mushrooms, birch mushrooms, white - it does not matter what you can collect in the nearest forest or buy in the market, any of these mushrooms must be thoroughly washed, cleaned of dirt and adhering foliage, cut and boiled in at least two waters.


Only after this can the mushrooms be considered ready for introduction into other dishes. Throw them in a colander and set aside to drain water.


Peel the potatoes, rinse them in water, cut into large strips, put them on a napkin to dry. Cut the onion into half rings.


In a thick-walled pan, heat the oil, send potatoes to it. Let it lightly fry on one side, add the onion, turn over the potatoes and fry it on the other side. At the same time, fire can be reduced, but only slightly.


After 5-7 minutes, add mushrooms, salt and pepper to the potatoes, mix well, fry for another 5 minutes, stirring. If the potatoes have not yet been cooked, you can cover the pan with a lid and let simmer over low heat until the dish is ready.


Serve potatoes with mushrooms or mushrooms with potatoes (it all depends on the proportions of the products in the finished dish) is best with sour cream.


If you are not sure about the edibility of mushrooms, throw them out right away.

Useful advice

If you like garlic, you can sprinkle on them a ready-made dish.

Related article

How to cook fresh mushrooms

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