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How to pick up olive oil

How to pick up olive oil
How to pick up olive oil

Video: How to Choose a Good Olive Oil 2024, July

Video: How to Choose a Good Olive Oil 2024, July

Olive oil is one of the most important components of a healthy diet. It has not only excellent taste, but also many valuable, and even unique properties.


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The extremely positive effect of olive oil on the functioning of the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems, as well as on the functioning of the stomach and intestines, has been known for a very long time. It regulates cholesterol, and even prevents the development of heart disease, in particular - prevents heart attacks. Olive oil is also widely known as the strongest antioxidant. For medicinal purposes, olive oil is not only taken orally, but also used for healing masks, compresses and massages.

How to choose the right olive oil

In fact, it is not quite simple - the choice of this product on the shelves of our stores and supermarkets is so wide and rich. But you can use the small tips, and remember that when buying olive oil we need to pay attention to three things.

Firstly, it is the color of the oil, which depends on the color of the starting material (i.e. olives) and the time of collection. If the olives for the oil were green, then the color will be light green or light green. If the olives were black, then the color of the oil will be light golden. Another color of the oil (grayish or caramel) indicates that it was improperly processed or packaged in poor-quality containers. It is better to refrain from acquiring such oil.

Second step: special attention must be paid to the container itself. The best option is glass, since in metal packages oil can react with the metal, oxidizing and losing its valuable properties. The standard shelf life of olive oil does not exceed one year. Before buying, you need to check whether the expiration date has expired, as old oil not only loses its useful qualities, but can also be very bitter.

Well, the last. How to choose the right olive oil so that it brings maximum health benefits? To do this, you need to buy necessarily unrefined oil, since it is in it that the maximum amount of components useful to the human body is present. There are practically no curative substances in refined oil, and it is suitable only for frying. It is also necessary to pay attention to the acidity of the oil - it should not be higher than 3.3%. This information should be indicated on the product label.

You can check the quality of olive oil at home. Container with him needs to be put in the refrigerator for a while. If after that a precipitate and small flakes of white color form in the oil, then this is a natural and high-quality product.

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