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How to give up sweets: practical tips

How to give up sweets: practical tips
How to give up sweets: practical tips

Video: REDUCE YOUR SUGAR INTAKE: 10 tips that helped me cut sugar effectively 2024, July

Video: REDUCE YOUR SUGAR INTAKE: 10 tips that helped me cut sugar effectively 2024, July

Not much has been said and written about the dangers of sugar. For those who decide to minimize the amount of sweet in their diet, or even do without it, there are a number of recommendations and useful tips.


Pick your recipe

Having decided to give up sugar, you need to approach the solution of the issue wisely, otherwise you can achieve the completely opposite result.

Refusing Sugar for Weight Loss

This is what most dieters do. Lack of sugar along with low-carb and low-calorie diets cause the body to starve and urgently need energy. When removing refined sugars and complex carbohydrates from the diet, it is necessary to leave complex carbohydrates, that is, cereals, fruits, vegetables, greens cannot be ruled out, otherwise weakness, headaches, loss of strength and much more will appear.

Having a lot of sweets in the house

It is difficult to resist cookies, sweets or chocolates when they are freely available. To avoid a breakdown, it’s better not to buy them at all or to take a very limited amount, the smallest package, for example. Going to the grocery store, you must definitely have a snack. Feeling of hunger and a pleasant aroma of muffin will make you get some harmful yummy.

How to give up sweets?

With an acute need for sweets, you can try to fool the body: slowly chew dried fruits, suck a cube of dark chocolate, peppermint candy or brush your teeth.

If you have a habit of jamming sweet stress, then you need to change the way of relaxation: a fragrant bath, a good movie, an interesting book will perfectly help in this situation.

If guests who come to the house endlessly indulge in sweets, you can hint that doctors recommend limiting sugar.

When playing sports or active physical work, the same hormones of happiness are produced as with the use of sweets. What is not an alternative? !!

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