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How to determine the temperature of milk

How to determine the temperature of milk
How to determine the temperature of milk

Video: Determination of MIlk Density (Specific Gravity) of a Milk sample_A Complete Procedure (FAO) 2024, July

Video: Determination of MIlk Density (Specific Gravity) of a Milk sample_A Complete Procedure (FAO) 2024, July

When accepting enterprises, the temperature of milk is measured without fail and indicated on the invoice. For this, special thermometers are used, for which there is a state standard. It is sometimes necessary to measure the temperature of milk at home. For example, when preparing yogurt or for feeding a baby.


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You will need

  • - a thermometer for measuring the temperature of a liquid;

  • - a vessel with milk.

Instruction manual


At the enterprises of the dairy industry and public catering, liquid thermometers with a division value of 0.2 ° C are used to measure the temperature of milk. Valid thermometers with a division value of 0.5 ° C are considered. These thermometers usually have a glass case, so it’s not very convenient to use them at home. In accordance with the standards, they must be equipped with a protective frame. At home, it is more convenient to use an electronic thermometer, which you can now buy even in a pharmacy. The temperature of milk is also measured with PIT-2 semiconductor meters.


To control the temperature of milk in production, the thermometer must have a state mark. At home, of course, there is no device with such a mark. But in any case, take a tool that provides sufficient accuracy for your purposes. In the preparation of various dairy products at home, a temperature range of 1-2 ° C is permissible. Mom, who makes the mixture for the baby, it is important that the child is not burned, that is, a very large accuracy is again not needed.


Dip the thermometer in a container of milk. Hold the glass thermometer for at least 2 minutes. For electronic or semiconductor devices, 30 seconds is enough. The mark to which the thermometer should be lowered into milk is usually indicated on its body or scale. If there is no such risk on the device itself, you will probably find it in the accompanying documentation.


If there is no suitable thermometer at hand, use the alternative method. Put a little milk on the back of your hand. The normal temperature of the human body is just above 36 ° C. Feeling cool or warm, you will realize that milk is colder or hotter than your body. True, you won’t know the exact number of degrees in this way. But in order to cook moderately warm mixture for a child, such a "thermometer" is enough.


At the enterprises of the food industry, there are rather stringent requirements for measuring the temperature of milk. It is measured, as a rule, no later than 45 minutes after the arrival of the goods. The thermometer is lowered into the container in which the product was brought. If milk arrives in tanks divided into compartments, each compartment is monitored. With a small amount of product, a special mug or scoop is used. The mug is dipped in milk and held for about 10 seconds. Then lift through the hatch so that it is strictly above the hole. Data on the quantities of milk taken at temperatures above and below 10 ° C are mandatory on the invoices and the acceptance journal.


The use of a mercury thermometer is not permissible to measure the temperature of liquid food products.

Where to buy a milk thermometer

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