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How to smoke perch

How to smoke perch
How to smoke perch

Video: Smoked perch on midsummer's Eve. 2024, July

Video: Smoked perch on midsummer's Eve. 2024, July

Perch is the most suitable fish for smoking. In order for his meat to turn out tasty, tender, aromatic and not fat, you need to know how to cook it correctly.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • fresh perch - any quantity;
    • salt;
    • branches of apple or bird cherry.

Instruction manual


Wash the fish thoroughly in cold water, remove the entrails and rinse again. The amount of fish depends on your desire, but the more you take, the better. Scales from the perch do not need to be removed, leave the gills too.


Now prepare the entire serving of perch for smoking. Take a bag of the required size, put all the fish in it and cover it with plenty of coarse salt. Thoroughly shake the bag up and down so that the fish can better salted. In no case do not mix the fish with your hands, so you can injure yourself on its fins. After that, leave it for 15-20 minutes, and then after this time, shake it well again.


Put all the fish on a clean, dry surface, or hang them so that they are slightly wrinkled before smoking for 20-30 minutes.


While the perch is drying, get the smokehouse and lay the branches of apple or bird cherry tree on the very bottom with an even layer. Then put the fish on the smoking grate, but not very tightly to each other.


Close the smokehouse and put on fire. The time of smoking perch is - 15-20 minutes. You cannot open a smokehouse all this time.


At the end of smoking, first remove the smokehouse from the fire, and only then open it. If the fish has acquired a beautiful rich brown shade, it means that you coped with your task correctly. Just note that the color of the perch will vary depending on which tree branches you used. Apple fish will turn out a little lighter in color than the one that was smoked on the branches of bird cherry.


Of course, this method of smoking will cost more time and energy than simple smoking at home using liquid smoke. But on the other hand, you will get smoked fish that tastes great and a great opportunity to spend time in the fresh air with people you love and love.

Useful advice

Smoked perch can be stored in the refrigerator for about 5-7 days.

smoking perch

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