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How and from which to cook a delicious meat broth

How and from which to cook a delicious meat broth
How and from which to cook a delicious meat broth

Table of contents:

Video: How to Make Beef Broth 2024, July

Video: How to Make Beef Broth 2024, July

An experienced hostess, of course, knows the secrets of preparing a transparent, fragrant, tasty and rich meat broth. It is difficult to overestimate its importance in cooking: it is the basis of first courses, supplements sauces, improves the taste of second courses and side dishes.


Pick your recipe

The broth is able to restore strength after a sweltering heat, helps with healing from ailments and ailments. Being a light dish, it is often recommended by nutritionists to the diet of people who are overweight. It is from the broth that it is useful to start a meal to start the production of gastric juice and the good functioning of the digestive system. It is recommended for use for people of all ages - from the smallest to the elderly.

What to cook broth

1) Pure spring water or bottled drinking water, but not from the tap. Since tap water contains too many impurities (chlorine, iron), which negatively affect the taste and aroma of the dish.

2) For cooking, you should choose the meat of young animals and always on the bone: calves, piglets, lambs. The main requirement for it is freshness.

3) Spices and vegetables form the aroma, color, taste and texture of the finished broth. Each hostess has her own favorite and proven set of ingredients. Most often this: onions, carrots, allspice peas, bay leaves, parsley and dill. If dried greens are used, then it needs to be added three times less than fresh.

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