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How and what to decorate Easter cheese

How and what to decorate Easter cheese
How and what to decorate Easter cheese

Video: Paskha For Russian Orthodox Easter/Творожная Царская Пасха, Заварная 2024, July

Video: Paskha For Russian Orthodox Easter/Творожная Царская Пасха, Заварная 2024, July

Classical Easter is a dish without which the festive Easter table is complete. Many housewives prefer not to decorate this dish, considering it superfluous. However, if you want to make the table unusually for one of the most anticipated holidays after fasting, be sure to consider the decor of not only Easter eggs, but also Easter.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - Curd Easter;

  • - candied fruit;

  • - fresh fruits;

  • - canned berries;

  • - chocolate;

  • - whipped cream (sweet).

Instruction manual


First decide in which form you will spread the curd mass. If you have a specially designed form for this with the drawing of the letters XB, then put the dessert in it. If you don’t have a mold, then you can use any suitable dish for this, having previously greased it with butter.

If in Easter you have finely chopped candied fruits, then you should not additionally decorate the dish, as it will look bright anyway.



Fresh fruits are great for decorating Easter, but they are exceptionally soft and fleshy, for example, peaches, apricots, kiwi, juicy pears, etc. Cut the fruit into slices and carefully lay them on the surface of the dish. You can decompose pieces of fruit, for example, in the form of flowers.



Incredibly appetizing looks Easter, decorated with berries. Take some frozen or canned berries (if there are fresh, then fine, use them), cut them into halves and lay at the base of the dish as close to each other as possible.

To decorate the upper part, use chocolate (dark or white - choose to taste). Melt the chocolate in a water bath, cool slightly until it begins to solidify, then gently pour it on top of Easter for one motion.

It is very important not to overdo it with the amount of chocolate, for an average Easter weighing 500 grams, 3-4 slices of chocolate are enough.



You can also use whipped cream to decorate Easter. Whip the cream, add some food coloring in them, then, using a confectionery syringe with a patterned nozzle, decorate the dish as you wish. For example, if the cream is pink, then make roses.


Currently, in almost any grocery store you can buy pastry topping. Buy a bag of this decor and decorate it with your curd dish, sprinkling grains on top for dessert in a chaotic manner. You can replace the confectionery sprinkle with multi-colored coconut flakes.


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