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How to cook in earthenware

How to cook in earthenware
How to cook in earthenware

Video: 4 Clay pot Recipes | 4 Recipes in clay Pot | Clay Pot Cooking 2024, June

Video: 4 Clay pot Recipes | 4 Recipes in clay Pot | Clay Pot Cooking 2024, June

Dishes cooked in earthenware have their own special, incomparable taste. Not only baked meat and julienne, but also ordinary cereals turn out to be aromatic and very tasty in it. Cooking in such dishes is very simple, and thanks to the large number of recipes you can create culinary masterpieces every day.


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Instruction manual


Before cooking, fill the dishes with cold water for about 10 minutes (before using for the first time, fill new dishes with warm water and rub them thoroughly with a coarse brush from the inside). Then drain the water, and lay the blanks in pots, saucepan or cups (depending on what you use). It is not necessary to use various fats, water and oil.


Lightly warm the gas, electric or Russian oven and place the filled dishes in it, having previously tightly closed it with a lid (some samples can also be used in microwave ovens). Remember that it should not come into contact with the walls. Avoid sudden changes in temperature. In no case do not put clay dishes in the oven from the refrigerator or freezer, as both micro and ordinary cracks may appear on it.


While gradually heating, bring the temperature to 225 - 300 ° C and cook for 35-55 minutes, depending on which dish you decide to make.


After cooking, wait until the dishes have completely cooled. Then wash it gently in warm water using a minimal amount of detergent (only non-chemical). If the clay has absorbed the smell of food, and it did not disappear after washing, fry it for 10-15 minutes in the oven. If possible, for each type of product (fish, meat, vegetables, etc.) use your dishes.


In no case do not place clay containers on the burners, as they can split into parts, which is unsafe for your health. An exception is the Georgian clay pan “ketsi” and the Russian “latka”, which can be used for frying. However, they must be cooked very carefully: put on a minimum fire, and then increase it little by little. Cook with a little heat.

How to cook in a clay pot?

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