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How to make toasts

How to make toasts
How to make toasts

Video: How to Make Toast | Food.com 2024, July

Video: How to Make Toast | Food.com 2024, July

The secret to a pleasant and tasty start to the day lies in a good breakfast. Toasts are rightfully considered one of the most popular dishes served to the table in the morning. These crispy slices of bread are especially tasty with different fillings.


Pick your recipe

Instruction manual


It is better to choose a special bread for toast. It should be fresh. You can do with ordinary white bread. It all depends on your preference.


Cut the bread into 1 cm slices. To make the bread slices even, use a well-sharpened knife.


Decide on the method of making toasts. The easiest way is toasting slices of bread in a toaster. Dip the slices into the special compartment of the toaster, set the required degree of roasting and lower the lever, which is usually located on the side of the toaster. Sometimes on the toasters indicate the number of minutes toast toast. After several experiments, you will understand which mode is best for you.


Bread can be browned with a grill (in the microwave or in the oven). To do this, you need to set the grill mode and cook the bread until a golden brown crust appears. Do not forget to turn the toast and fry the back side. The degree of roasting the toast depends on your preference.


Another way to make toast, more high-calorie, is to fry them in a pan with warmed butter. Toast the bread slices on both sides, keeping them on each side to your liking.


Prepare the toasting in advance. With toasts, butter, cheese, ham goes very well. Fans of sweets can recommend toasts with jam or jam. Also, as a filling, you can cook the curd mass. To do this, pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder several times, or grind it with a blender to a puree consistency. Mix the cottage cheese with a little powdered sugar, put on the toast and garnish with slices of fresh fruit or berries. Especially delicious are the curd toasts with strawberries.

Useful advice

To make the toasts crispy when served, serve them to the table immediately after cooking.

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