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How to cook a Christmas kuti

How to cook a Christmas kuti
How to cook a Christmas kuti

Video: Christmas recipe for delicious kutia kuti. 2024, June

Video: Christmas recipe for delicious kutia kuti. 2024, June

Kutya (sympathetically, kolyvo) is not easy sweet porridge, it is a ritual dish prepared by the Slavs at commemoration, Christmas holidays, Epiphany. Different regions of Russia and Ukraine have their own kutya recipes. Their main difference is which cereals are used to make this porridge. It can be prepared from millet, rice, barley, barley, etc. Usually Christmas carrot is made from millet or rice. And as a dressing can be used honey, nuts, poppy seeds, raisins, etc.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • wheat (whole) - 200 g;
    • walnuts - 50 g;
    • raisins (and / or other dried fruits) - 50 g;
    • honey - 100 g;
    • poppy - 50 g.

Instruction manual


Cooking begins with soaking kutya groats. If you cook with millet, first rinse it, soak in water for 1.5 - 2 hours. Then boil until cooked. Then throw it in a colander so that the glass has excess fluid.


While the millet is soaked and cooked, you can start cooking the dressing. Christmas kutia should be rich, so you can use several products for refueling. It will be very tasty if you add poppy seeds to it. But first it needs to be processed. Pour poppy seeds with a glass of boiling water, cover the dishes with a lid and let the water cool completely. After the poppy swells, drain excess liquid from it and grind it with sugar in a coffee grinder or makitra (a special bowl for grinding poppy and other seeds).


If you add raisins, dried apricots and other dried fruits to the kutia, first rinse them and steam in hot water. Large pieces can be cut smaller.


Nuts will give a special taste to the nuts. Walnuts are usually added to it, but you can use almonds and hazelnuts. In order not to accidentally break your teeth on hard nuts, cut them into small pieces.


Now you can combine all the ingredients together. Stir poppy seeds, nuts, dried fruits, and then add them to millet porridge. Do not forget to add honey to kutya. If it is too thick, first melt it in a water bath. Honey can be mixed with a boil of dried fruit or jam, and already this mixture can be seasoned with juices. Christmas kutia is ready. You can serve it to the table.


Kutia used to be the main Christmas dish in every Slavic family. They cooked it on Christmas Eve, with the advent of the first star, the grandchildren carried it to their grandparents, the godchildren to the godfathers. At the same time, the offerings of kutia were accompanied by the wishes of well-being, health, good harvest, kindness and happiness.

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