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How to lose weight effectively and not break

How to lose weight effectively and not break
How to lose weight effectively and not break

Video: How To Diet To Lose Fat FOR GOOD (4 Phases) 2024, July

Video: How To Diet To Lose Fat FOR GOOD (4 Phases) 2024, July

When losing weight it is difficult to stay within the calculated diet due to some uniformity and lack of new tastes for a long time. One of the very first pleasures that a person receives is the pleasure of the taste of breast milk. Therefore, the pleasure of eating is a basic condition for physical and psychological comfort.


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In order not to struggle day after day with the desire to eat something tasty, but very harmful and not at all suitable for losing weight, you need to include products representing 6 basic tastes in your menu. Ayurveda highlights these tastes and with their help you not only enrich the diet, but also create the right energy balance in the body.


So, 6 flavors: bitter, sweet, sour, salty, spicy and astringent.


Drinks are sources of a bitter taste: cocoa, chicory, coffee. You can cheer up a cup of latte in the morning, and after 2 hours arrange a snack - a decoction of chicory with dried fruits.



Bitter vegetables and fruits: Brussels sprouts, spinach, sorrel, lettuce, grapefruit. You can add sorrel to your lunch vegetable salad, and eat grapefruit after dinner. Turmeric is also a source of bitter taste. This spice has a number of useful properties and contributes to weight loss.


The source of the sweet taste is rice, but white rice is a quick carbohydrate, in the process of processing such rice loses almost all the nutrients, so when losing weight, white rice is better not to include in your menu. Eat dairy products (milk, butter) and sweet fruits (grapes, mangoes, dates). Dried mango, raisins and dates are a great dessert for tea. In addition, boiled vegetables such as beets, potatoes, carrots give a sweet taste, but remember that these vegetables are also fast carbohydrates and are not very suitable for dietary nutrition. Peppermint gives a sweet taste, so you can diversify your menu with mint tea.



Sour taste sources are sour fruits (for example, lemon) and sour-milk products (cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk). Hibiscus tea or a rosehip broth are excellent sour drinks. These teas are especially useful during the cold season, as they contain vitamin C. Hibiscus tea lowers low-density cholesterol, strengthens blood vessels and lowers blood sugar, so you should include it in your menu for weight loss. Such tea is contraindicated for gastritis, hypotension and a tendency to form stones.



Sources of salty taste are seafood, seaweed and pure salt. Very useful for losing weight and strengthening the immunity of kelp. It contains a substance that reduces hunger and improves metabolism. In addition, kelp is rich in iodine, which is necessary for the thyroid gland to function properly. Laminaria is low in calories, therefore it is an ideal dietary product. This seaweed is good to use as a side dish for meat or fish.


The sources of spicy taste are spicy spices such as chili peppers, mustard, garlic, ginger. Ginger slimming tea is very effective, as it speeds up the metabolism and has a warming effect. Fresh vegetables salad for weight loss must be consumed daily, so pay attention to spicy vegetables (onions, radishes).


The astringent taste is most represented by fruits and berries: pomegranate, persimmon, bananas, feijoa. Walnuts and hazelnuts are also astringent, but remember that when losing weight, the norm of eating nuts is 1 handful per day.

How to lose weight effectively and not break

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