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How to clean porcelain dishes

How to clean porcelain dishes
How to clean porcelain dishes

Video: How to Clean Porcelain Dishes 2024, June

Video: How to Clean Porcelain Dishes 2024, June

Porcelain dishes are an adornment of any kitchen. That she always remained beautiful, graceful and brilliant it is necessary to look after her regularly. It is especially important to clean porcelain dishes correctly.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - rubber basin;

  • - soapy water, saline or soda solution;

  • - soft nylon brush or cloth;

  • - hydrogen peroxide.

Instruction manual


Wash porcelain dishes by hand, preferably in a rubber basin or sink covered with rubber mats. This will reduce the likelihood that a porcelain mug or plate accidentally slips out of your hands and breaks.


It is advisable to clean porcelain dishes with warm soapy water. Use only a soft nylon brush or cloth to do this. Clean your china very carefully, without using force. Clean dirt from hard to reach dishes with a toothbrush.


Instead of soapy water for cleaning porcelain dishes, you can use a salt solution prepared from two liters of warm water and six tablespoons of ordinary table salt.


To clean porcelain from tea or coffee stains, mix a teaspoon of regular baking soda with a teaspoon of warm water. Put the resulting product on a rag or soft brush and very carefully clean the porcelain from stains. Please note that this cleaning method is not suitable for stain removal from gilded china.


Try to clean the dirt on porcelain dishes with hydrogen peroxide. This method is quite effective. Its only minus is that it is impossible to say exactly when the peroxide will eat the stains, after 10 minutes or after two days. After the pollution disappears, place the china in cool distilled water for the same period that it was in hydrogen peroxide.


If you are unable to clean the porcelain dishes from contamination with improvised means, consider purchasing a special detergent specifically designed for cleaning porcelain products.


Dry the porcelain after cleaning it on the grid or kitchen table with a towel so as not to damage or scratch its surface.

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