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Squash cakes with onions and cracklings

Squash cakes with onions and cracklings
Squash cakes with onions and cracklings

Video: How to make quick vegetable fritters with Curtis Stone 2024, July

Video: How to make quick vegetable fritters with Curtis Stone 2024, July

Following this recipe, you can make very tasty squash cakes with onions. Greaves and onions give the dish a satisfying base. Zucchini does not taste, but gives the dough the necessary moisture.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - salt - 2 tsp;

  • - sugar - 1.5 tsp;

  • - egg - 1 pc;

  • - water - 0.5 cups;

  • - live yeast - 25 g;

  • - flour - 3 glasses;

  • - zucchini - 400 g;

  • - onion - 200 g;

  • - brisket or pork fat - 200 g.

Instruction manual


Grate zucchini on a fine or medium grater, pour one teaspoon of salt, mix, set aside.


Finely chop the lard or brisket. Fry until a partial allocation of fat in a dry frying pan. Slices of bacon should be fried on the outside, but remain juicy inside.


Remove the greaves from the pan. Put finely chopped onions in the melted lard. Fry until lightly browned and soft.


Pour yeast and sugar into warm water. Wait for the foam to appear. Meanwhile, squeeze the juice out of the zucchini carefully.


Pour the yeast water into a large bowl, add the zucchini, beat the egg and add salt. Mix well the resulting mass. Pour half the flour, stir with a spoon.


Add the greaves and onions. Stir again. Pour the remaining half of the flour, knead the dough, adding flour if necessary.


Cover the ball of dough with polyethylene, set it aside and wait until it increases one and a half times. Then divide the dough into two parts and roll these pieces into round cakes. The thickness of the cakes should be 2 centimeters and a diameter of about 22 centimeters.


Make four parallel cuts in each cake, not reaching the edges. Transfer the cakes to a greased baking sheet. Pull slightly over the edges, opening the cuts and making an oval cake. Lubricate the cuts and the top of the cake with oil. Hold it so that it increases one and a half times.


Preheat the oven to 200 oC, put a baking tray with a cake there. Bake for 35 minutes. Remove the finished zucchini cakes with onions and cracklings from the oven and cover with a kitchen towel. Serve this dish as an independent dish, or use with soup.

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