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Buckwheat honey: step-by-step recipes with photos for easy cooking

Buckwheat honey: step-by-step recipes with photos for easy cooking
Buckwheat honey: step-by-step recipes with photos for easy cooking

Table of contents:

Video: How to cook Buckwheat - Vegetable Stir Fry - Russian Food - Жареная гречка 2024, July

Video: How to cook Buckwheat - Vegetable Stir Fry - Russian Food - Жареная гречка 2024, July

Honey … On the benefits of his composes praises around the world. And not in vain! The mere fact that it can be stored for a thousand years speaks of a truly unique composition. Just one tablespoon per day can completely saturate you with vitamins. And how much delicious you can cook with it!


Pick your recipe

Useful properties of buckwheat honey

Have you ever wondered why a cold does not use any honey, but only some of its types? No matter how many legends are said about the benefits of honey, it always turns out that one variety is different. And all because there are champion varieties, the biological activity of which is just going through the roof, and there are those that are a bit behind. Just the first is buckwheat honey. Over his long life, he has collected many regalia, orders and awards.


Useful amino acids, proteins, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, boron, potassium copper, zinc, a large amount of iron - this is not yet the full composition of mustard honey. He can cleanse the blood, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and nervous system, cleanse the body and maintain immunity at a high level. And how many interesting things can be prepared on its basis! Dishes with its addition will be bright tasty and very useful.

Fruit Charlotte

For example, fruit charlotte with rye flour. It will be a great alternative to pastries, donuts and cakes. Cooking does not take you much time. If you like the result, then you can cook it at least every day. First you will need to check your refrigerator and cabinets for the following products:

  • rye flour - half a cup;

  • oatmeal - half a glass;

  • an egg - 2 pieces;

  • buckwheat honey - 3 teaspoons;

  • kefir - a glass;

  • baking powder - a teaspoon;

  • apple - 2;

  • banana - 1;

  • pear - 1;

  • cinnamon to taste.

To prepare the dough, first take a deep bowl. Stir flour, oatmeal, proteins and eggs in it. Pour kefir into the resulting consistency and add honey. Mix well again. Leave the bowl to stand for 15 minutes, until the oatmeal swells. It remains the case for additives. Here, focus on your own taste. If you want the charlotte to turn brown with light notes of chocolate, then put cocoa in the dough. If you like fragrant cinnamon, then feel free to sprinkle it. Combine the dough with a baking powder and mix for the last time.

Peel the apples from the crust and chop finely. Divide the pear and bananas into small pieces. Put the fruit in a pre-prepared baking dish and put in the oven. Temperature mode, select 180 degrees. To prevent pastries from sticking to the bottom, you can use parchment.

After half an hour, remove the browned charlotte. Done! Gather your family at the table and serve refreshments. Believe me, you get a real fruit extravaganza! It will not be so easy to break away from such a charlotte. If the household appreciates your culinary creation, you can please them again and again, boldly experimenting with the filling! Dessert is not at all high-calorie, so you can not be afraid of a figure.


Eggplant with cheese and honey

Eggplant is beautiful in any performance! Raw, stewed, fried, in the form of barbecue - they are always good. And along with honey and cheese it turns out just a vegetable song. Moreover, it will not take you a lot of time to prepare such a delicious snack. And the recipe will please with its simplicity. If you are a big fan of vegetables, then do not pull and proceed. Prepare the following set of products:

  • 8 medium-sized eggplants;

  • 400 grams of goat cheese;

  • 6 tablespoons of buckwheat honey;

  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil;

  • a small bunch of parsley;

  • salt to taste.

Wash the eggplants well, cut the tails and leave to bake in the oven for about 40-50 minutes. Set the temperature to 200 degrees. The cooking speed depends on the size of the vegetables. If they are large, then you need to darken them longer, if medium, then this time will be enough. At the end of the allotted time, get the vegetables, cut them into halves and remove the baked seeds from them. Mix the inside of the eggplant in a separate bowl with goat cheese, chop finely chopped parsley into a mixture, pour olive oil and buckwheat honey. Remember to add salt to taste. Thoroughly mix the filling and season it with vegetables.

After the manipulations are done, send everything back to the oven again for another 10 minutes. Done! Can be served. If you want to make the taste even more interesting, then prepare the following sauce in advance: 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar mix with two tablespoons of honey and flavor with olive oil. Put pepper and salt to taste and mix. Gourmet sauce will further emphasize and reveal the taste of eggplant delicacy. Bon Appetit!


Carrots with honey

The following recipe is dedicated to all true lovers of sweets and desperate sweet tooth. Everyone has long known that sweets are not only harmful, but also useful. Especially when it comes to homemade desserts. There are a great variety of sweets cooked at home: apple cookies, fruit salads, berry charlotte, carrots - choose whatever your heart desires. If the choice falls on carrots, then you can use the declared simple and interesting recipe. It will take a little time to prepare it, about 40 minutes. It will be very tasty and nutritious. You won’t drag children by the ears! Yes, and adults, too, perhaps. All the ingredients from which the dessert is prepared can be safely found at hand. So, get the following products from the drawers and the refrigerator:

  • 1 piece of carrots;

  • 2 eggs;

  • 2 tablespoons of buckwheat honey;

  • 200 grams of sour cream (it is advisable to take 20% fat, but here, as anyone likes);

  • 50 grams of semolina;

  • a glass of wheat flour;

  • 350 grams of honey.

You should start with carrots. Wash it and grate on a fine grater. Then add carrots, cottage cheese and mix. Next, break two eggs into the mixture and make the mass homogeneous. Add buckwheat honey, add flour and finally stir the resulting substance. Curd and carrot dough is ready.

Gently form pancakes out of it and roll in semolina. Fritters can be of any shape. Do not limit your imagination and selflessly create. If you cook with your child, you can make interesting figures. Animals, cars, Christmas trees, stars - children will be infinitely happy from any of your undertakings! And tasty and healthy carrots will firmly settle on your table. Cook in a slow cooker for 20 minutes. If the crock-pot is not at home, do not worry. You can fry them in a pan until golden brown. Serve hot with sour cream.


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