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Genetically Modified Products: Harm or Benefit?

Genetically Modified Products: Harm or Benefit?
Genetically Modified Products: Harm or Benefit?

Video: Are GMOs Good or Bad? Genetic Engineering & Our Food 2024, July

Video: Are GMOs Good or Bad? Genetic Engineering & Our Food 2024, July

More and more often on the shelves of shops and supermarkets you can see bottles, jars and boxes with the inscriptions: “non-GMO”, “does not contain genetically modified organisms” or “GMO free”. On fruits and vegetables, you can also find similar stickers. What are genetically modified organisms, how do they affect humans, why are they excreted, and are they so scary as the media cry?


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A GMO is a plant or animal in the genome of which a gene has been introduced from another plant, usually related in appearance.

Why are they doing this?

This is done to give the plants any useful properties: increase yield, resistance to pests, weeds or drought, in some cases to improve taste.

Genetically modified foods are tested for biological and food safety. The synthesis of genetically modified products is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation, however, their import into our country is free. At present, there are about 50 species of genetically modified plants, mainly cereals, fruits and vegetables.

Speaking about the benefits of genetically modified foods, only economic benefits can be noted, that is, thanks to the development of genetic engineers, you can get a huge harvest from small areas, save on herbicides, since the plants are resistant to pests, there are no plant losses in dry summers, etc.

The benefits for human health are as follows: the absence of repeated treatment with pesticides will reduce the number of people suffering from allergies and immune diseases.

What is the harm from GMOs?

According to the media, the use of genetically modified products will lead to the development of infertility, various tumors, and oncological diseases due to the fact that plant genes are integrated into our DNA chain. Of course, this stupidity is utter, since the human gene pool is formed during conception and does not change throughout life. But these products are still capable of harming us, first of all, provoking a persistent allergy and disturbance in the functioning of the immune system, slowing down the metabolism, or causing tolerance to antibiotics. Due to the fact that genetically modified plants can accumulate herbicides, which subsequently enter the human body, it is quite possible a deterioration in health, a decrease in life expectancy, or the development of various neoplasms.

Everyone decides whether to buy products with GMOs or not, but most independent experts strongly recommend that children be protected from such products.

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