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What is a set lunch?

What is a set lunch?
What is a set lunch?

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Video: How to set the table - Anna Post 2024, July

Video: How to set the table - Anna Post 2024, July

The term "comprehensive lunch" is familiar to many people: office workers, tourists, visitors to restaurants, cafes. In France, for example, such dinners are called “Menu de jure”, in the Czech Republic - “Denna Cape”.


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Complete lunch. What it is?

A comprehensive lunch is a fairly substantial and inexpensive lunch consisting of simple dishes. In those companies whose employees can eat at the workplace for free, complex lunches are either prepared by a professional chef (who is part of the company’s staff, or invited), or they are brought to the office ready-made and just warmed up.

Complex dinners must satisfy several mandatory requirements. First, of course, they must be tasty and satisfying. Secondly, the daily menus of such dinners do not match. Finally, thirdly, their cost should be moderate. Therefore, as a rule, complex dinners consist of the simplest dishes, which do not require expensive ingredients or long and complicated cooking. In addition, in order to save many of the components of the appetizers and the first (or second) dishes included in such dinners may coincide. For example, if the first course is borsch, the appetizer can be either a vegetable salad, one of the components of which is finely chopped white cabbage, or a vinaigrette, the main component of which is boiled beets. Or if the first dish is soup with meatballs (from minced meat), the second dish can be meatballs or meatballs prepared from the same meat, with different side dishes.

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