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Partisan Lamb

Partisan Lamb
Partisan Lamb

Video: partisan theatre sci fi cabaret 2024, July

Video: partisan theatre sci fi cabaret 2024, July

If you are delighted with spicy spicy meat, then partisan lamb will surely be to your taste, and to make the dish tender and melting in your mouth, you just need to choose the lamb tenderloin correctly.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - rear leg of lamb (about 2 kg)

  • - olive oil

  • - salt and pepper to taste

  • - 1-2 heads of garlic

  • - 300 g of sheep’s cheese

  • - 1 kg of potato tubers

  • - 4 carrots

  • - dried rosemary and thyme

  • - dry white wine

  • - baking paper

Instruction manual


Wash the lamb leg well, remove the bones, cut the meat in portions and put it in a deep bowl. Pour in 2 tbsp. olive oil, salt, season and mix.


Peel the garlic and cut the cheese into thin cubes. With a long long knife, make deep cuts in the meat, stuff it with garlic and cheese.


Peel potatoes with carrots, chop coarsely and put in a bowl. Salt, add pepper, pour over the remaining oil.


Lay sheets of paper on top of each other overlap, and in the center of the resulting square, place the lamb. Arrange the vegetables around, the rest of the cheese and garlic. Carefully wrap the paper in an envelope.


Pour a small amount of water into the baking dish and carefully, so that the paper does not unfold, put a lamb leg in it. Bake in a preheated to 180-200 degrees oven for 2 hours.


To make the dish juicy, pour a little water into the mold. Serve the finished meat directly to the table in paper, having previously unfolded it and decorated the lamb with a sprig of rosemary.

Useful advice

You can cook the lamb in portioned forms, at the rate of 300 g of meat per person.

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