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3 drinks for detox

3 drinks for detox
3 drinks for detox

Video: 3 Detox Juice Recipes for Healthy Skin & Digestion 2024, July

Video: 3 Detox Juice Recipes for Healthy Skin & Digestion 2024, July

Does the body need a detox? Doctors say that a healthy body is a self-cleaning mechanism, and it does not need outside help in the form of miraculous juices and other means. But if you are sure that your body needs to help get rid of harmful substances, use natural compounds.


Pick your recipe

1. Honey and lemon juice

In a glass of warm water add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of liquid honey (it is better to take dark) and 1/3 teaspoon of ground ginger. Drink 30 minutes before breakfast. This drink invigorates well, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and gently cleanses the digestive system.

2. Apple and cinnamon

Boil 2 cups of water, add 1 apple, sliced ​​into thin slices, and 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, mix well. When brewing cinnamon with boiling water, the mixture can be gelled to get rid of this effect, mix the mixture well. Cover and let cool. Drink half a glass half an hour before meals. This drink cleanses the intestines and normalizes metabolism.

3. Citrus and carrots

Squeeze the juice from 1 medium carrot, 1 lemon and 1 orange, mix with 1/2 cup mineral still water. Drink in portions throughout the day 30 minutes before meals. The drink contains antioxidants and also fights fatigue well.

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