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We grow greens on the windowsill: 11 useful seasonings

We grow greens on the windowsill: 11 useful seasonings
We grow greens on the windowsill: 11 useful seasonings

Video: 8 Vegetables and Herbs You Can Re grow Again and Again Inside your House or Garden 2024, July

Video: 8 Vegetables and Herbs You Can Re grow Again and Again Inside your House or Garden 2024, July

The greens that supermarkets sell are usually grown using chemicals that accelerate plant growth. You can grow parsley, dill or basil yourself - in a flower pot on the windowsill. The main thing is to know the conditions of their cultivation.


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Since dill is a non-demanding plant, it is simple enough to grow it. It grows well both in partial shade and in the sun. Dill does not like dampness. To grow a plant in a flower pot, dill seeds (about 20 seeds per pot) are planted to a depth of about 1 cm. For dill, you need a large pot, since it has a long root.



There are differences between ordinary parsley and crispy. Ordinary leaf parsley has a stronger aroma, fades faster, however, curly parsley, which is suitable for decorative cultivation in a flower pot, stays cut green longer. Parsley loves a moist land rich in nutrients. In good soil, parsley will grow all year. The best place is partial shade.



Chives are a favorite plant of many gardeners. It is a perennial plant that loves moist (but not wet) calcareous and nutrient rich land. Both partial shade and a place well lit by the sun's rays are suitable for him.



This annual plant likes sunny, draft-protected places (very sensitive to cold). Marjoram needs loose and humus-rich soil. Care must be taken that the earth is not too dry. It is not recommended to fertilize marjoram, as this causes the plant to lose taste.


Oregano (Oregano)

It is better to put grassy perennial in the sun. Oregano needs a loose, nutrient-rich land.



Breeding basil from seeds is somewhat more difficult. It needs a lot of light and heat and soil rich in nutrients and humus. In the initial stage of growth, it cannot be subjected to sharp temperature fluctuations. Also, the plant does not tolerate either wind or drafts. Four leaf sprouts should be planted to ensure good growth. Basil has the most intense aroma shortly before flowering.



This perennial plant prefers both the sun and partial shade. Needs humus and moist soil.



This plant prefers sandy and not moist soil. Rosemary costs a little water and needs a lot of heat and the sun.



This perennial plant can be placed both in the sun and at partial shade. Sage does not need nutritious soil - it is quite unpretentious.



This plant needs scarce, dry soil. The main condition for its growth is the abundance of sunlight and heat.

Useful advice

There must be a hole in the flower pot in order to ensure the outflow of excess water. Make sure that the earth is not too damp - otherwise the plants will rot. It is better to use clay flower pots.

Remember to regularly remove dried leaves.

Cutting greens is better in the morning - at this time the plant has a higher content of essential aromatic substances.

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