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Which food has the most protein?

Which food has the most protein?
Which food has the most protein?

Video: Protein Comparison : Highest Protein Foods In The World 2024, July

Video: Protein Comparison : Highest Protein Foods In The World 2024, July

Protein is an essential element for the body. Cells consist of it, the production of enzymes and hormones depends on it, it helps to maintain pressure, regulates water balance and performs other vital functions. To avoid protein deficiency, include saturated foods in the menu.


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The main objective of the protein is the growth and restoration of tissues in the body. The lack of this element will lead to muscle dystrophy, frequent injuries and diseases, followed by a long recovery, hormonal imbalance. Especially protein is necessary for the children's body for proper development and harmonious growth.


Calculation of the norm of the amount of trace elements per day, nutritionists suggest to lead on the weight of a person. From 1.3 to 1.6 g of protein is recommended per kilogram. The initial figure should be regulated, focusing on lifestyle. The more people move, train, engage in mental work, the more protein they need.


Food is a protein supplier to the body. Using the right products, you can improve your health, normalize metabolism, and become slimmer. Properly prepared high-protein foods will saturate for a long time and help prevent after-meal snacks.


The food with the highest protein content is cheese (up to 30%). It is especially recommended for exercise lovers, as The product also contains many calories. It’s better to eat a few pieces before classes or difficult work: protein will help to collect and prevent muscle breakage. And the extra calories "burn" from vigorous activity.


Meat and fish (about 25%) shared the second place in protein content with honey. From the first category, nutritionists are especially advised to eat lean beef and liver. Pork and other meats are high in fat. The protein content in fish varies by species. The most valuable in this aspect are anchovies, mackerel, tuna, mullet, salmon.


Up to 20% of protein is found in poultry meat. This product is perfect for those who want to lose weight and improve their health. The meat is perfectly digested, and a small number of calories allows you to eat it both in the afternoon and in the evening. The main conditions for use: peeling and gentle cooking (oven, double boiler).


17% of the protein contains eggs. In this product, the element is characterized by good and fast digestibility. Trainers point out that eggs are great after-workout snacks.


Cottage cheese is also a high protein meal - 14%. However, for the element to be absorbed, the product must not be fat free. If you want to avoid extra calories, season the cottage cheese with low-calorie kefir or natural yogurt. Soy protein does not lag behind cottage cheese (14%). This food is ideal for vegetarians who abstain from meat and milk. Today there are many products made from soy. The most common are soy cheese (tofu) and milk.


About 12% of proteins are cereals. They should be used as a side dish, for example, instead of pasta or potatoes. Cereals are remarkably absorbed, and also improve the digestive tract.

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