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How much to cook cauliflower frozen or fresh

How much to cook cauliflower frozen or fresh
How much to cook cauliflower frozen or fresh

Video: How to Make Roasted Frozen Cauliflower - Easy Meal Prep 2024, July

Video: How to Make Roasted Frozen Cauliflower - Easy Meal Prep 2024, July

The useful properties of cauliflower directly depend on the correct preparation of this product. What time is it and how to cook cauliflower fresh or frozen?


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Cauliflower is a very healthy product. First of all, this is due to its low calorie content. 100 g of product contains only 25 kcal. To spend this number of calories, you need to walk for 5-6 minutes or do household chores for about 8 minutes.

Cauliflower also contains a large amount of vitamins A, B, C, E, K and trace elements. It includes: fiber, proteins, organic acids, pectins, and so on. Cauliflower improves digestion, reduces the risk of malignant tumors, cleanses the body of harmful and toxic substances, prevents the formation of kidney stones and improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

But all these properties will be useless if the cauliflower is not properly prepared. And one of the most important points in this matter is the cooking time of this product.

How and how much to cook cauliflower frozen

In almost every store you can now buy frozen fruits and vegetables. Cauliflower is no exception. As a rule, it is placed in the packaging previously washed and cleaned. Therefore, before cooking does not require special rinsing.

Frozen cauliflower should not be thawed. Just boil the water and dip this product into it. Before this, the liquid in the pan must be salted. In this case, the cooking time will be 15-17 minutes. This will be enough to cook frozen cauliflower. If you later make soup from it, the cooking time should be reduced to 8-10 minutes.

How and how much to cook cauliflower fresh

Fresh cauliflower is the most healthy product. In the process of its preparation, it is necessary to rinse the vegetable properly under a stream of cold water. Then this product is cut with a knife into individual inflorescences, dipped for some time in water to get rid of garbage - and placed in boiling salted water. Cooking time in this case will be about 12-15 minutes. If you use fresh cauliflower for cooking soup or frying, then 7-8 minutes will be enough.

How much to cook cauliflower in some other ways

Cauliflower can be cooked in the microwave (about 10 minutes), a pressure cooker (at least 15 minutes), a double boiler (about half an hour), a slow cooker (15 minutes).

Some features of cooking cauliflower


1. Do not digest this product. Inflorescences can become too hard and chew poorly.

2. Dense heads of cabbage are best used for salads and side dishes, and the most loose - for soups.

3. For the preparation of cauliflower, in addition to ordinary water, you can use milk. This will give her an extraordinary taste.

4. In the process of preparing inflorescences may darken. To avoid this, add one tablespoon of vinegar to the water.

5. Cook cauliflower only over medium heat. A strong fire increases the evaporation of the liquid, and a slow fire causes the inflorescences to begin to fall apart.

6. Do not pour a large amount of liquid into the pan. This adversely affects the taste of the product. And also leads to the loss of part of the beneficial vitamins and minerals.

7. The addition of sugar improves the taste of cauliflower.

8. After cooking, be sure to place it in a colander, in order to remove excess moisture.

9. For cooking cauliflower it is better to use glass or enameled dishes. An aluminum or copper pan will negatively affect its taste.

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