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It's time to lose weight and give up sugar. How to do it quickly and easily.

It's time to lose weight and give up sugar. How to do it quickly and easily.
It's time to lose weight and give up sugar. How to do it quickly and easily.

Sugar use is the most important and insurmountable obstacle to a slim figure and health. Sugar-containing foods increase caloric intake by at least 40% and, thereby, contribute to weight gain.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - peppermint oil

  • - peppermint (dried)

  • - butter 60 g

  • - cocoa - powder 200 g

  • - germinated grains

  • - cottage cheese

  • - eggs

Instruction manual


So, how does sugar affect the organs and systems of the body.


To absorb sugar contained in food, the body spends its calcium reserves. Thus, the bones are weakened, which threatens the development of bone osteoporosis.


Sugar destroys collagen and elastin, due to which the skin becomes flabby and devoid of turgor. This process is called collagen glycation. Glycation is the addition of glucose (sugar) to a protein (collagen), as a result of which collagen fibers become stiff and inflexible, and the skin loses its elasticity and becomes wrinkled.


Sugar destroys tooth enamel, as it increases the acidity in the mouth. In conditions of high acidity, the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria occurs.


Increased sugar intake causes insulin resistance - a state of the body in which cells cannot absorb the incoming glucose, which means they lose nutrition. And absolutely all the cells - the heart, brain, muscles.


Blood sugar spikes cause constant fatigue and causeless irritation. After consuming a sugar-containing product, there is a sharp jump in blood sugar, a surge of energy and good mood. After half an hour, the sugar level also drops sharply, there is a feeling of fatigue and hunger. That is, if you eat a chocolate bar, you will provide yourself extra calories and automatically increase the amount eaten per day. After all, after the sugar jump, you will need to eat something else to maintain your body in a state of health.


To preserve the beauty and harmony, it is necessary to reduce the use of refined sugar, and ideally, completely abandon sugar-containing products.


How to do it quickly:


Use peppermint oil as a bulking agent for aroma lamps. You can periodically apply a couple of drops to your wrists during the day. The smell of mint reduces appetite, as it affects the center of the brain, which is responsible for the feeling of satiety.


Drink peppermint tea if you do not have a medical contraindication to it. Mint tea reduces hunger, improves mood, contains phytoestrogens, which give a rejuvenating effect.



If you like chocolate, then replace sweet chocolate with bitter, then bitter without sugar, then with homemade cocoa chocolate. To make chocolate at home, you will need 60 g butter and insoluble cocoa powder 200 g without sugar. Melt the butter in a water bath and stir, pour cocoa. Stir until the mass is homogeneous (you can pour a little water if the mass is too thick). Then pour the chocolate into the molds and cool. You can put sweet dried fruits in molds and pour them with chocolate - you get a tasty and healthy dessert for the whole family.



Gradually accustom yourself to the right desserts - fruit plates and fruit salads with curd dressing. Refusing desserts with refined sugar, you will reduce the calorie content of your diet by 40%. Thus, you will not only improve the body, but also reduce weight.



Eat cottage cheese, eggs, and sprouted grains for breakfast. Protein breakfast will avoid a sharp drop in blood sugar and you will not want to eat something harmful until the next meal.


Organize yourself a sufficient night's sleep (at least 7 - 8 hours). Lack of sleep makes the body look for resources for energy in other sources. And such a source is products that cause jumps in blood sugar - cookies, sweets and other products containing sugar.

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