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Chicken and Vegetable Risotto

Chicken and Vegetable Risotto
Chicken and Vegetable Risotto

Video: Chicken and Vegetable Risotto (Quick & Easy Meals) 2024, July

Video: Chicken and Vegetable Risotto (Quick & Easy Meals) 2024, July

Risotto with fried pieces of chicken and vegetables is popular in Italy. For cooking, special Italian rice "arborio" is used. It can be replaced with long rice.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 70 ml. olive oil;

  • - 180 g of Arborio rice;

  • - 30 g of ginger;

  • - 0.5 l of milk;

  • - 1 pod of hot pepper;

  • - 750 g chicken fillet;

  • - 1 paprika;

  • - 1 cucumber.

Instruction manual


Grind 1 onion and garlic (a couple of cloves), fry in olive oil.


Rinse the arborio rice and fry with onions and garlic (no more than five minutes).


Add chopped ginger and hot pepper. Salt, pepper, pour milk.


Bring the milk to a boil, fasten the fire and simmer the rice (up to 20 minutes), stirring with a fork.


Separately, fry small pieces of chicken. We divide ready meat. We continue to keep one half in a pan, add the chopped half of sweet pepper to it, add salt and simmer for five minutes.


We combine the chicken with rice (by this time, almost all the milk has evaporated). Add curry powder (to taste) and finish the dish a couple more minutes.


Put the risotto on the plates. Spread the remaining pieces of fried chicken over the rice. We decorate the risotto with rings of sweet pepper and fresh cucumber.


The recipe is designed for four people.

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