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Sweet Pepper Salad Recipes

Sweet Pepper Salad Recipes
Sweet Pepper Salad Recipes

Video: Bell Pepper Salsa Recipe | Easy Bell Pepper Salad Recipe 2024, July

Video: Bell Pepper Salsa Recipe | Easy Bell Pepper Salad Recipe 2024, July

Sweet bell pepper occupies a special place among the products of Balkan cuisine. There are many recipes on how to cook peppers. Salads are prepared from fresh pickled, baked, stewed sweet peppers. In all cases, bell pepper salads are very tasty.


Pick your recipe

Bell pepper salad with herbs

- 500 grams of sweet pepper; - 50 grams of parsley; - 25 grams of dill; - 25 grams of basil; - salt, 50 g of vegetable oil.

Rinse pepper, remove seeds. Then immerse in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. After that, drain the water, cool the pepper, cut it into strips, salt and pour over the vegetable oil.

Baked Bell Pepper Salad with Garlic

- 500 grams of sweet pepper; - 20 grams of garlic; - 100 gr of walnuts; - 1 tsp lemon juice; - salt, sugar, black pepper; - 50 grams of vegetable oil.

Cut baked sweet peppers into strips. Crush the garlic and nuts, mix all the ingredients. Add pepper, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Sweet Pepper Salad with Apples

- 300 grams of sweet pepper; - 100 grams of green apples; - 100 grams of green onions; - 1 clove of garlic; - salt, sugar, black pepper; - 50 grams of vegetable oil, herbs to taste.

Chop pepper and apples, chop the green onion into rings, chop the lettuce and parsley. Combine the products, sprinkle with sugar, salt and pour over vegetable oil. Mix well.

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