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A simple recipe for focaccia with cheese

A simple recipe for focaccia with cheese
A simple recipe for focaccia with cheese

Video: AMAZING FOCACCIA BREAD | How to Make it in 6 Easy Steps 2024, July

Video: AMAZING FOCACCIA BREAD | How to Make it in 6 Easy Steps 2024, July

Focaccia - Italian tortilla, which is a typical recipe for the Liguria region. You can try real focaccia in the small bakeries of the city of Recco, they have preserved the traditions of cooking and baking this tortilla in ovens. You can learn all the secrets of the craft if you work in such a traditional bakery. But since this is not so simple, you can make focaccia with cheese at home, according to a simplified recipe, but it turns out to be just as tasty with a minimum set of products.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • 250 ml warm water

  • 3 tbsp + 1 tbsp olive oil or sunflower

  • 500 g wheat flour

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp dry yeast

  • 280 g of any cheese

  • 1 teaspoon mixture of dried Provence herbs (rosemary, thyme, basil, peppermint, sage, oregano, savory, marjoram) or fresh basil and dill

Instruction manual


Take a bowl, add 250 ml. warm water and 1 tsp dry yeast, leave for 10 min. until the yeast begins to act (if necessary, add a pinch of sugar for the speed of the yeast).


Add 3 tbsp. olive (sunflower) oil, 1 tsp salt, mix.


Sift 500 g of flour, knead the dough by hand for 10 minutes, until the dough becomes smooth and soft, and begins to separate well from the hands. Add some flour or some water as needed.


Wrap the dough with cling film or cover with a damp cloth, leave for 40 minutes in a warm place until the dough rises. Turn on the oven to heat to 230-270 ° C.


Roll out a not very thin dough in the form of a cake with a rolling pin, make a few indentations with your finger and pour 1 tbsp. olive (sunflower) oil.


Sprinkle with grated cheese and dry herbs (if available, with fresh basil and dill).


Place the cake in a greased baking dish or on a baking sheet. Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

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