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Food Etiquette Rules

Food Etiquette Rules
Food Etiquette Rules

Table of contents:

Video: Table Manners - Ultimate How-To Guide To Proper Dining Etiquette For Adults & Children 2024, July

Video: Table Manners - Ultimate How-To Guide To Proper Dining Etiquette For Adults & Children 2024, July

There are basic rules of etiquette when eating food, which are recommended to be observed while in a restaurant or at a party. If you follow these rules, you also need to know which cutlery is used when eating dishes.


Pick your recipe

How to eat first courses and snacks in a restaurant

Use special cutlery at the table for various dishes: a fork and a knife. If one of them accidentally falls to the floor, in no case do not lift it, but ask the waiter to bring a clean cutlery. Do not cut bread with a knife, break off small pieces. Snacks are eaten with a special fork and knife. Paste smeared on bread only while in the family circle. According to the rules of etiquette in other cases, you need to eat it, separating the pieces with a fork. Eat ham with a knife and fork, and do not lay it on bread in the manner of a sandwich.

To properly eat soup, you need to "scoop" it with a spoon from yourself, and not vice versa. Hold the spoon so that the thumb is on top of its handle, as if holding it slightly. Pour as much liquid into a spoon as you can bring to your mouth without splashing anything. If the soup has meatballs and dumplings, you first need to eat the liquid component of such a soup, and then the solid, using the same spoon that the soup was eaten (and not other cutlery).

Stirring the first course with a spoon to keep it cool is considered uncultured. It is recommended that you just wait a bit.

Regardless of whether the whole soup was eaten or not, leave a spoon in a plate. If the broth or soup was served in a cup, you need to drink it. A spoon should be used only in order to get croutons, pieces of meat, an egg.

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