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Useful properties of cocoa powder

Useful properties of cocoa powder
Useful properties of cocoa powder

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Video: Health Benefits of Raw Cacao vs Cocoa Powder 2024, July

Video: Health Benefits of Raw Cacao vs Cocoa Powder 2024, July

Cocoa powder is widely used in cooking. Various desserts: cakes and pastries, sweets and chocolate drinks contain one or another amount of this substance. However, these goodies not only spoil the figure when consumed inappropriately. In moderation, cocoa powder is good for the body.


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The Benefits of Eating Cocoa Powder

After a chocolate treat or a cup of hot cocoa, many people feel better and get tired. Such positive changes are possible not only due to the pleasant taste and wonderful aroma of delicacies containing cocoa powder. Cocoa beans contain a lot of nutrients. These are tonic ingredients - caffeine, theobromine, antidepressant phenylephinamil, as well as flavonoids. Thanks to the presence of phenylephinamil, which stimulates the production of endorphin, cocoa powder is able to have a relaxing effect, increase vitality, and give a feeling of joy.

The use of cocoa in large quantities has an effect similar to coffee. Not surprisingly, caffeine is present in both drinks. Cocoa stimulates the nervous system, stimulates mental activity, allows you to cheer up, overcome fatigue and focus on your lesson.

Children under three years old are not recommended to drink cocoa in order to protect their central nervous system from excessive excitement.

Theobromine is very effective for coughing and sore throat. Once cold, brew a cup of hot cocoa. Drinking such a medicine is not only useful, it also has a very pleasant taste.

Flavonoids have antioxidant properties. They slow down the aging process, protect cells, preventing them from degenerating into malignant. Also, flavonoids strengthen blood vessels and have a beneficial effect on the entire circulatory system.

According to recent studies, cocoa contains more antioxidants than green tea.

In cocoa there are many trace elements necessary for the human body. These are iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, potassium, manganese and zinc. The composition of cocoa beans includes vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, A, C, E.

Cocoa powder in cosmetology

Cocoa powder has been widely used in cosmetology. It contains oleic, stearic, palmitic, linoleic and lauric acids. These substances have a softening, tonic, anti-aging, moisturizing and restorative effect on the skin. In particular, preparations prepared with the use of cocoa are useful in winter, when the skin peels and turns red under the influence of cold and requires special care.

Cocoa powder also helps in the fight against such a common female nuisance as cellulite. A very popular procedure called "chocolate wrap". Cocoa butter or cocoa powder, mixed with honey and applied to the skin, not only stimulates the disappearance of the "orange peel", but also has a regenerative effect.

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