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Why sugar is bad - 11 reasons

Why sugar is bad - 11 reasons
Why sugar is bad - 11 reasons

Video: Sugar: The Bitter Truth 2024, July

Video: Sugar: The Bitter Truth 2024, July

If you ask the average person what the harm of sugar is, then he will most likely say that it is caries and overweight. However, hardly anyone knows that frequent consumption of sugar in large quantities can cause premature aging and even rotting of the gums.


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Sugar enters the body unnoticed

You can adhere to a fairly healthy diet, but eat a huge amount of sugar per day, without even knowing about it. A lot of sugar is hidden in completely unexpected and seemingly healthy foods, such as yogurts, soups, convenience foods and prepared meals. The so-called hidden sugar causes enormous damage to human health, without absolutely any nutritional value. It has long been proven that this product is the root cause of obesity and diabetes.

Sugar causes premature aging

Sugar affects the flexibility and structure of proteins in the skin, especially collagen and elastin. Such exposure makes the skin more susceptible and unprotected, causing premature wrinkles.

Hormonal disbalance

Sugar has a negative effect on hormones and can even cause an imbalance. If you still really want chocolate, it is best to opt for dark varieties with low sugar content.


People who lead active lifestyles and go in for sports have long known that consuming sugar in food reduces activity and deprives them of energy. No athlete would have the idea before a responsible start to eat a product with a high sugar content.


Sugar is akin to drugs can be addictive. A person simply will not feel full until he eats something sweet, so sometimes it is very difficult to completely refuse sugar.

Gum decay

In addition to tooth decay, sugar has a negative effect on the gums, contributing to tooth loss. To freshen your breath and strengthen your gums, chew dill, parsley, cloves, anise or mint for a while after eating.

Negative effects on the immune system

Sugar nourishes the yeast that is in the intestines. It is vital to maintain a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria so that the body is able to fight infections, and, as you know, 80% of the immune system is located in the intestine.

Sugar causes profuse sweating

Oddly enough, sugar intake can cause severe sweating. This product is a powerful toxin that the body tries to get rid of through the sweat glands in the armpits. Bad smell and dark circles on clothes - these are the sad consequences of excessive sugar consumption.

Heart diseases

Sugar can be the main cause of heart disease, as it increases cholesterol and leads to thickening of the walls of the arteries, making blood flow difficult.

Bloating and heaviness in the stomach

These unpleasant moments can also be associated with the presence of a large amount of sugar in the body. Imbalance of beneficial bacteria in the intestine leads to an unpleasant feeling of heaviness.

Skin depletion

Sugar can cause irreparable damage to the skin of the face. Once in the body, sugar binds to the essential fatty acids that make up the outer layer of skin cells. It prevents nutrients from entering the skin cells and blocks the release of toxins. Thus, instead of spending a lot of money on all kinds of cosmetics and procedures, why not just reduce sugar consumption.

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