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Condensed pie: step by step recipes with photos for easy cooking

Condensed pie: step by step recipes with photos for easy cooking
Condensed pie: step by step recipes with photos for easy cooking

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Video: 43 Easy 3-Ingredient Recipes 2024, July

Video: 43 Easy 3-Ingredient Recipes 2024, July

Many of us immediately associate childhood cakes with us, when we sat in our rooms at various games, and the unmatched smells of fresh pastries came from the kitchen and we looked forward to being invited to taste the very first tidbit.


Pick your recipe

Pie is a baked or fried product from any dough and in most cases with a filling, but there are a lot of such fillings - both sweet (jam, condensed milk, cottage cheese) and salted (meat, mushrooms, cabbage, etc.). In general, holiday bread was originally called a cake, so far little has changed, baking a cake can be called a real holiday in the family, because due to constant financial difficulties and the desire for creative self-realization, modern housewives increasingly prefer to spend time in dusty offices than in the kitchen a test of new culinary cooking. In fact, one just has to start creating some tasty dish to understand that this process will not take so long, but the incredible pleasure received from eating baking, and the well-deserved praise of loved ones will make you rise to heaven from happiness.


Classic cake with condensed milk

A classic pie is prepared from the minimum set of available products that can be easily purchased at the nearest supermarket, and the cooking time will take no more than 30 - 40 minutes.

For such a pie you will need:

  • condensed milk - 1 can;

  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;

  • wheat flour - 1 cup;

  • powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons;

  • vanillin - 10 grams;

  • soda - 0.5 teaspoon.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl and beat with a mixer with soda, vanilla and condensed milk.

  2. Wheat flour must be sifted through a sieve to saturate it with oxygen and make the dough more tender and airy, gradually add it to the eggs and condensed milk. Knead the dough so that there are no lumps. By consistency, it should turn out as a thick sour cream.

  3. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil, pour the prepared dough into the mold, leveling the surface of the future pie, and put in the oven for 30 minutes.

  4. When the dessert is ready, put it on a plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar.


Condensed cake in a pan

It’s unusual to use a frying pan for baking a dessert, but you will definitely like this recipe, as the cake will cook very quickly, and it will taste different from baking in the oven.

Essential Ingredients:

  • chicken egg - 1 piece;

  • vanillin - 10 grams;

  • condensed milk - 1 can;

  • sour cream - 1 glass;

  • sugar - sand - 100 grams;

  • wheat flour - 500 grams;

  • chopped nuts - 50 grams;

  • butter for frying donuts - 100 grams.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Beat the egg with vanilla and pour into a deep cup.

  2. Add condensed milk and mix thoroughly.

  3. Quench soda with vinegar and add to the egg - condensed mass.

  4. Sift flour and gradually pour to the rest of the products, thoroughly mixing everything and kneading the dough.

  5. Divide the resulting mass into several parts, the size of the lumps should be such that in unrolled form they cover all the bottom of the pan.

  6. Roll out each lump and put on a preheated non-stick frying pan, previously greased with a piece of butter. Fry the crumpets on both sides and leave to cool. During this time, you can cook sour cream.

  7. Mix sour cream with sugar and beat thoroughly with a mixer until an air mass forms. If you like more saturated and juicy pies, then the amount of sour cream and sugar can be increased.

  8. Now each donut should be greased with cream, collect the pie, and sprinkle the top donut with chopped nuts.

  9. Put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.


Yeast cake with condensed milk

If you have any carved cake mold, then such baking will be not only airy, but also unusually beautiful, since adding yeast to the dough will certainly make the dessert more magnificent and more effective. True, it will take a little more time, but the result is worth the extra minutes spent.

Essential Ingredients:

  • milk - 700 ml;

  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;

  • butter - 100 grams;

  • sour cream - 100 grams;

  • yeast - 20 grams;

  • sugar - sand - 300 grams;

  • boiled condensed milk - 2 cans;

  • flour - 1 kg;

  • salt - 1 pinch;

  • vanillin - 2 small bags.

Making the cake step by step:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and heat to a maximum of 40 degrees, then pour the yeast there.

  2. First, mix sugar with 0.5 kg of wheat flour, so that when combined with the liquid, no lumps form, and add to the pan with milk. Mix everything thoroughly, cover with a kitchen towel and leave in a warm place for 20 - 30 minutes.

  3. If after a specified time the dough has not risen, then wait a little longer, if it has risen, then add the remaining ingredients: eggs, beaten with salt and vanilla, sour cream, pre-melted and cooled butter, the remaining flour.

  4. Cover the dough again with a towel and leave for another 40 minutes.

  5. Next, there are two options for folding the cake:

a) If you want a whole pie, then separate two large lumps from the dough and roll it into layers. Put one layer in a greased form, making the edges high so that the filling does not leak out, put the boiled condensed milk and cover with the second layer, grabbing the edges slightly with your fingers. Lubricate the surface with a beaten egg and send in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. After 30 minutes, the dessert will be ready. If the dough is left, then you can make another pie, which certainly does not lie in the dessert cabinet, or you can freeze the dough and prepare delicious pastries another time.


b) But you can still make the pie immediately portioned, which will need to be torn off by hands, and not be afraid that the filling will leak from the pie.

To do this, the resulting dough must be divided first into 5 identical parts, and then each part into another 3 parts. But such proportions are completely unimportant, it can be divided into 16 and 20 identical lumps. Then take each part in turn, lightly knead with a hand or a rolling pin, thereby forming a half-boat, lay out the boiled condensed milk and pinch the edges, you get an imitation of pies. The shape of such portioned buns can also be chosen at your discretion - both oval and round. Next, put the mini-portions of the cake on the baking sheet covered with baking paper tightly enough to each other and let stand for 10-15 minutes. Lubricate the surface with a beaten egg and send to the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. The finished product can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

By the way, if it works out, then you can dream up and form rich roses from flat boats. It will turn out a very unusual dessert, as shown in the photo below.


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