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Tender chicken skewers

Tender chicken skewers
Tender chicken skewers

Video: Perfect Chicken Kabob Recipe - Juicy Grilled Chicken Kabob 2024, July

Video: Perfect Chicken Kabob Recipe - Juicy Grilled Chicken Kabob 2024, July

Summer is a great time for trips to nature. Well, barbecue in the country or on a picnic is just a classic!


Pick your recipe

Very tender and delicious kebab can be made from chicken. Such a barbecue will be very dietary (compared with a fatty pork barbecue), non-nutritious. Well, if you choose a simple marinade, it will be very simple and easy to cook.

So, for barbecue chicken, you can marinate chicken in kefir. It is very simple and does not take much time.

For such a barbecue, you will need: 2 kg of chicken (fillet or breast), a half-liter pack of kefir (preferably 3% fat, but less if you are afraid of calories), 3 onions, 2-3 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking kebab:

1. To marinate the meat, cut the chicken into small pieces, put the meat in a small saucepan or deep bowl. There we put onion, chopped into rings, finely chopped garlic. Salt, bake, pour kefir and mix well. After this, it is advisable to cover the meat with a plate (slightly smaller than the diameter of the pan) and put a load on the plate (a jar or a bottle of water, for example). We put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

2. Fry barbecue on the grill or stew in a pan, if desired and possible.

Of course, such a barbecue can be served with almost any side dish. Well, if you don’t like too heavy food, choose a vegetable salad as a side dish.

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