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Unusual oatmeal breakfast: lazy oatmeal in a jar

Unusual oatmeal breakfast: lazy oatmeal in a jar
Unusual oatmeal breakfast: lazy oatmeal in a jar

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Video: Overnight Oats – 5 Easy & Healthy Recipes 2024, July

Video: Overnight Oats – 5 Easy & Healthy Recipes 2024, July

Amazingly delicious and very healthy oatmeal breakfast! Cooking in the evening takes a maximum of 5 minutes, and in the morning we take out the finished breakfast from the refrigerator. It is convenient to take with you to work or for long walks.


Pick your recipe


The basis of an unusual breakfast of oatmeal is, of course, oatmeal. It is better to take instant cereals for this, but the familiar “Hercules” is also suitable for everyone.

As an additive, take whatever your heart desires. It can be absolutely any nuts (walnuts are best combined with oatmeal), fruits or berries. Do not be afraid to try various spices (especially sweet ones), cocoa or flax seeds.

If there is a desire to sweeten, honey or stevia will be most useful here. If this is not important for you, you can use regular sugar.

A sufficient selection of products can also serve as filling. The most commonly used milk or yogurt. Ryazhenka, kefir, bifidok, "Snowball" or just the most ordinary water are also suitable.

Cooking principle

For an unusual breakfast of oatmeal, you need to take a small jar with a lid.

We first add additives to it. If they are large enough, then they must be crushed. So, for example, crush large nuts into small pieces or cut large fruits.

The next step is adding the base - oatmeal.

And at the very end, pour milk, yogurt or water.

I do not intentionally write proportions, because the amount of all ingredients depends solely on your tastes and preferences. Want more sweet, add sweeteners. If you like thick oatmeal, pour liquids to slightly cover the base. If you like more liquid, pour more. The ratio of oatmeal and additives is also your choice.

Mix everything well, close the lid and put in the refrigerator for the night. In the morning, an unusual tomorrow from the ovian is ready!

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